Series: Research in Badlands National Park

Scientists often look to the Badlands as a research subject. Many studies have been conducted in the park on a variety of topics, including paleontology, geology, biology, and archaeology. Learn more about these research topics in this article series.

  • Badlands National Park

    Article 1: NPS Geodiversity Atlas—Badlands National Park, South Dakota

    badlands erosional landforms

    Each park-specific page in the NPS Geodiversity Atlas provides basic information on the significant geologic features and processes occurring in the park. Links to products from Baseline Geologic and Soil Resources Inventories provide access to maps and reports. Read more

  • Badlands National Park

    Article 2: Good Times in the Badlands—Science, Education, and Public Interpretation in a Unique Fossil Preparation Lab

    A sample of fossils prepared during the 2019 season

    Following the discovery of a significant saber tooth cat-like skull (Hoplophoneus primaevus, Family: Nimravidae) in 2012, the Badlands Fossil Preparation Lab opened to the visiting public to showcase fossil preparation work. Read more

  • Badlands National Park

    Article 3: Implications of Climate Scenarios for Badlands National Park Resource Management

    a single streak of lightning cracks above black silhouetted badlands formations a dark sky above

    Badlands National Park hosts a myriad of natural and cultural resources, including bison and black-footed ferrets, the mixed grass prairie in which they live, fossils from animals that lived 23-75 million years ago, and historic buildings, trails, and roads. All are sensitive to climate, but anticipating precisely how climate change will affect each is difficult. Despite this challenge, park managers must make forward-looking decisions and act to meet management goals. Read more

  • Article 4: Population Viability Analysis

    Bison Population Viability Study

    This study confirms that management of DOI bison herds in isolation promotes the loss of genetic diversity within all herds. More importantly, this study demonstrates that increased herd size and targeted removal strategies can reduce rates of diversity loss, and that adopting a Departmental metapopulation strategy through facilitated periodic movement of modest numbers of bison among DOI herds (i.e., restoring effective gene flow) can substantially reduce the... Read more

  • Badlands National Park

    Article 5: Landbird Monitoring in Badlands National Park

    small black songbird with striking buff patch on head and white back perches on a twig

    Landbird monitoring has been conducted at Badlands National Park since 2012. The park lies at an avian crossroads where both eastern and western species can be observed Read more

  • Badlands National Park

    Article 6: Bat Acoustic Monitoring at Badlands National Park

    Close up of very fluffy brown bat head, with white tipped fur

    Badlands National Park contains rugged badlands and a large expanse of mixed-grass prairie. The unique physiographic environment of the park supports a bat community very different from other parks in the Northern Great Plains Network. We monitor bats here to learn about the current status of their populations and to look at long-term trends, particularly since the fungus that causes white-nose syndrome has arrived at the park. Read more

  • Badlands National Park

    Article 7: Plant Community Monitoring at Badlands National Park

    close up of a small dome shaped plant, with narrow leaves and small white flowers in a sand dune

    Plant community monitoring has been carried out at Badlands National Park since 2011. The park, in southwestern South Dakota, protects one of the largest expanses of mixed-grass prairie in the U.S. We monitor the native and nonnative plants on the park to assess the health of park ecosystems. Read more

  • Badlands National Park

    Article 8: Park Air Profiles - Badlands National Park

    Scenery at Norbeck Pass, Badlands National Park

    Air quality profile for Badlands National Park. Gives park-specific information about air quality and air pollution impacts for Badlands NP as well as the studies and monitoring conducted for Badlands NP. Read more