Last updated: April 19, 2021
Junior Ranger Activity Guide

The Activity Guide is designed for ages 4-12, but can be fun for all ages! Learn more about your park, islands, people, and wildlife by working on these activities. After completing the required activities, turn it in (or mail it in) to a park ranger, and earn your Junior Ranger Badge.
The Apostle Islands have been home to Native Americans for a very long time. Their culture has been shaped by the environment: the lake, islands, forests, seasons, and everything around us. As you read through the Activity Guide, you may not recognize many of the words. Throughout the book, every page has a title written in Ojibwemowin (the Ojibwe Language), and many of the activities include a variety of Ojibwe words. Ojibwemowin (the Ojibwe Language) is traditionally an oral language, so it is important to not just see the words, but to hear them. Hearing and speaking these words helps preserve the culture of this special place.
The Junior Ranger Activity Guide is available at any park visitor center, from any park ranger, and at many of the lighthouses.