
Inspire Others

First State National Historical Park

An angle shot of the John Dickinson house.
The front of Poplar Hall, the big house, on the John Dickinson Plantation.

John Dickinson became well known for his way with words, after arguing that it was unfair for the British Government to tax goods being shipped to America. He wrote down his thoughts in a series of letters that were signed "A Farmer". Collectively, the letters be came known as "Letters From a Farmer in Pennsylvania" and were reprinted in almost all of the colonial newspapers. We are challenging you to think of something that you want to change, and use your words to get others to stand behind you.

Take a Listen

Listen to some of the letters that John Dickinson wrote and signed "A Farmer” for inspiration!

Listen Now

Materials needed:

  • Pencil or a pen.

  • Paper.


  • Take a moment to think of some of the rules that you have to follow in your everyday life. Perhaps there is a rule at home, such as a bedtime or a chore, that you agree or disagree with; or perhaps, there is a bigger community rule that affects you such as Halloween only once a year or making stop signs red. Discuss these rules with your friends and family to see how they affect different people in your family.

  • Once you have a rule in mind take a moment to think about how you feel about it. How does this rule affect you? How does it affect others in your family? Do you think this rule should stay or is there a way you can make it better?

  • On your piece of paper, explain the rule you choose and whether or not you are in favor of it. Make sure that you include a few reasons as to why you think the rule should stay or be changed.
  • Finally, think of a cool name to hide your identity and sign the letter with it!

Share your letter with us on social media using #FindYourPark / #EncuentraTuParque and tag us @FirstStateNHP for a chance for it to be featured below!

Last updated: June 10, 2020