Article • Devils Tower National Monument Virtual Junior Ranger Activities

Nature Poetry

Devils Tower National Monument

River meandering through green grass field, with red cliffs and trees in background.
The Belle Fourche River inspired our example poem! This river eroded away the surrounding rock to expose Devils Tower.

NPS photo

Are you a poet? Time for you to show it! Think about something in nature that has inspired you. It could be a flower, a sunset, a hike... the possibilities are endless!
Follow the format for a cinquain poem or make up your own!

Cinquain Poem Directions

Line 1: one word, noun
Line 2: two words, adjectives which describe the subject
Line 3: three words, action
Line 4: four word phrase, how the subject feels/makes you feel
Line 5: one word, synonym for the subject

Example Cinquain Poem

Winding, flowing
Always changing course
Giving life to many

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    Part of a series of articles titled Devils Tower National Monument Virtual Junior Ranger Activities .

    Previous: Draw a Bat

    Next: Backyard Geology

    Last updated: May 21, 2020