
2019 Harbor Seal Monitoring Updates

Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Point Reyes National Seashore

Breeding Season Summary

The 2019 harbor seal pupping season (March–May) was an average one. The maximum number of pups recorded during Pinniped Monitoring Program surveys at the main Marin County locations was approximately 1,060. That count is very similar to the baseline average of 1,100 pups. Drakes Estero was the most popular pupping site, with 368 pups recorded. This is an average count for Drakes Estero, but biologists saw an increase in the number of pups at Bolinas Lagoon, and decreases in pups at Double Point and Tomales Point, compared to their respective site averages. Very low pup mortality was recorded, indicating a successful season.

Two large harbor seals and one small harbor seal pup resting on a large rock surrounded by water
Two harbor seals and a pup haul out on rocks in Point Bonita Cove.

NPS / Kris Liang

Molting Season Summary

Following the pupping season, the seals are monitored during the molt season (June–July). During this time, all age groups come ashore at the main haul-outs to shed their fur. This gives biologists a good estimate of the total number of seals at the main Marin County locations. In 2019, the maximum number of seals recorded during the molt season was approximately 2,800, which is less than the baseline average of 3,670 seals and follows the past two years of low counts. All sites had a decrease in seals compared to their respective averages except Bolinas Lagoon, Duxbury Reef, and Point Bonita. Bolinas Lagoon has had higher than average counts since 2014, while Double Point has had extremely low counts since 2016. The peak counts recorded at Tomales Bay and Tomales Point were among the lowest counts ever recorded at each of those sites. The reasons for the decreases at these sites are unknown. During the molt season, the sites with the highest number of seals recorded was Drakes Estero (940) and Bolinas Lagoon (615).

Preliminary Data

2019 Maximum Harbor Seal Count By Site

Bar graph showing the maximum harbor seal counts by site (Tomales Point, Tomales Bay, Drakes Estero, Double Point, Bolinas Lagoon, Duxbury, and Point Bonita). Drakes Estero has the highest number of seals during the breeding and molt seasons.
Maximum harbor seal counts by site during the breeding season (adults and pups) and molt season (all seals).

Maximum Harbor Seal Pup Counts, 2000-2019

Line graph showing that pup counts have remained fairly steady between one standard deviation around the mean. The lowest count was in 2010, the highest count was in 2013, and this year's count is right around the mean.
Maximum harbor seal pup counts for 2000-2019 at Marin County sites. The black solid line on the graph represents the baseline mean, or average, of the maximum pup counts from 2000-2015 (mean = 1,101), and the dashed lines represent one standard deviation from the mean.

Maximum Harbor Seal Molt Counts, 2000-2019

Line graph showing maximum harbor seal molt season counts for 2000-2019. Molt counts have remained fairly steady between one standard deviation around the mean. The highest count was in 2004 and the lowest counts occurred in 2010, 2011, 2017, and 2019.
Maximum harbor seal molt season counts for 2000-2019 at Marin County sites. The black solid line on the graph represents the baseline mean, or average, of the maximum seal counts from 2000-2015 (mean = 3,673), and the dashed lines represent one standard deviation from the mean.

The Details: 2019 Weekly Maximum Harbor Seal Counts By Site

Graph of maximum harbor seal counts by site (Tomales Point, Tomales Bay, Drakes Estero) and survey week from late February through July.
Graph of maximum harbor seal counts by site (Double Point, Bolinas Lagoon, Duxbury Reef, and Point Bonita) and survey week from late February through July.
Maximum 2019 weekly harbor seal counts by site and survey week.

For More Information


Sarah Codde


San Francisco Bay Area Network - Pinniped Monitoring

Pacific Coast Science and Learning Center - Harbor Seals

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Last updated: August 15, 2019