Article • Lewis and Clark Trail 2023 Annual Report

Visual resource documentation along the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail

Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail

Five people standing in a field carrying surveying equipment and notebooks. One is pointing off into the distance.
Team conducts a visual resources inventory at West Platte Game Production Area, SD.

NPS photo.

About this article: This article was originally published in the Lewis & Clark Trail Annual Report 2023.

Six people stand in front of an information sign. They are holding notebooks and pens.
Spirit Mound, SD.

NPS photo.

Over the past year, resources staff at Lewis and Clark NHT revitalized our Visual Resource Inventory (VRI) program. The program uses a methodology developed by the NPS national VRI lead, Mark Meyer. The methodology involves fieldwork performed at a viewpoint to establish a Scenic Quality Rating. Later, an interdisciplinary team works to establish a View Importance Rating. The Scenic Quality Rating and View Importance Rating combine to create the overall Scenic Inventory Value. That value along with other data is uploaded to the online NPS database, Enjoy the View. Cataloging the scenic views associated with the Lewis and Clark NHT will assist with preservation efforts in changing landscapes threatened by development.

Three people stand on a rocky lakeshore. To the right is a tall, vegetated cliff face.
Tabor State Lakeside Use Area, SD.

NPS photo

In spring of 2023, several Lewis and Clark NHT employees attended initial training with Mark Meyer. Later in May, a group of employees joined with our partner Missouri National Recreational River to conduct VRI at a variety of sites near the Nebraska/South Dakota state line including Spirit Mound. Moving forward, we hope to continue this program every year, accumulating data to better protect the trail.

Part of a series of articles titled Lewis and Clark Trail 2023 Annual Report.

Last updated: April 16, 2024