
Puma Profiles: P-25

Mountain Lion among grass and brush.

Initial capture date: August 2012

This female was only studied for less than two months. First discovered by a remote camera in 2012 south of Westlake Village, she and her brother P-26 were captured in August of that year at an estimated age of 10 months. She was found dead two months later by a hiker. Her body had likely been there for at least a week and was too decomposed for researchers to gain insight into her death from a necropsy. Although evidence of rat poison was found in her body, cause of death is officially listed as unknown. Her parents are P-12 and P-13, parents of at least two other litters (P-17, P-18, P-19 and P-28, P-29, P-30, P-31).

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Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area

Last updated: January 19, 2023