Turning Parks into Islands Chart

Use the information below to create a chart with 3 columns. The heading for column 1 is "item" and contains the 5 proposed development items listed. The "Description" and "A possible park manager response" are columns 2 and 3 with the information for each of the different items.

1. Hog processing plant


This is a state of the art plant that will take hogs from within 50 kilometers of the site and it will employ 40 people.

A possible park manager response:

Concern about odor, groundwater pollution by nitrogen, and surface water pollution by fecal colliform. Impact needs to be mitigated if it cannot be stopped.

2. Scenic ring road, visitor center and parking lot.


The developer would own the visitor center and charge admission. The visitor center would also sell food and retail items.

A possible park manager response:

Mixed reactions: it would be good to increase visitation to the park, but have concerns about the increased impact to the park's ecosystem.

3. Another proposed park


This park would allow some hunting and selective logging of trees, but would be protected from other types of development.

A possible park manager response:

Although this will mean less funding, another park might mean a pool of local animals that could help animal populations in the original park.

4. A special management zone and wildlife corridor


This is an area which is not a park-but has certain rules that are designed to ensure that animals will use this area to travel between the two parks.

A possible park manager response:

This seems like a good idea-but is this zone wide enough to be used by all animals? Is it in the best place? Perhaps it too should be a park...?

5. Rifle range


This small area will just be for target practice during the day.

A possible park manager response:

This is a small area, but the noise might scare some of the animals who are trying to use the wildlife corridor (Since wildlife travel more at night, maybe it's OK? There needs to be more research done on the effects of this.) The park might want to try to delay any decisions on this while biologists do more research into it.

Last updated: February 24, 2015

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