This page is primarily for people interested in, or currently conducting business in the park. If you are interested in visiting the park, please see the section on the website for planning a visit.
Businesses in Yukon-Charley RiversAlthough remote and undeveloped, multiple companies provide commercial visitor services in or to Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve, some more limited than others. These services are limited to those companies having specific authorization, usually in the form of a Concession Contract or Permit or Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) (previously called Incidental Business Permit). In Yukon-Charley Rivers, as in all national parks, commercial business activities are limited and require specific authorization and approval from the National Park Service before any guided activity or business can occur. View a list of authorized guiding services in Yukon-Charley Rivers. Doing Business in National Parks Throughout Alaska
Commercial Use AuthorizationsThe Commercial Use Authorization (CUA), established in 2006, replaces the Incidental Business Permit (IBP). The CUA authorizes incidental commercial visitor services that begin and end outside the park. The number of businesses authorized is currently not limited.The National Park Service Alaska Region Office of Concessions manages the CUA program for all national parks in Alaska.
Need a permit?Find more information on our Permits page. |
Last updated: February 22, 2021