Marmot is Returned to Yosemite!
August 26, 2012
This yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris) had apparently hitchhiked to San Jose where it took a liking to the storm drains and manicured lawns. Stowing away in a vehicle, she was inadvertently carried far away from her home territory in Yosemite National Park. WildRescue, a wildlife rescue organization based in Moss Landing, CA, responded to successfully capture the marmot. She was transported to the Wildlife Center of Silicon Valley (WCSV) in San Jose for rehabilitation. Five days later, after determining where the marmot likely came from and receiving approval to transport and release the marmot, she was released in Tuolumne Meadows on August 26. We appreciate the hard work that WildRescue and WCSV did to make this possible and are very happy to have our marmot back safe and sound.
September 08, 2012
Last updated: September 9, 2012