Spring Pile Burning - June 2019

June 06, 2019 Posted by: Yosemite Fire Information

Yosemite National Park will continue pile burning while weather conditions are favorable. Pile burning is a form of prescribed fire. The areas being burned depend on local fuel moistures, elevation, location, and weather. These piles are remnants of hazard tree removal, brush clearance, and fuel build up on the forest floor.

Pile burning is a method the park uses to remove this extra debris build up, reduce the risk of severe fire, create defensible space around cultural resources, and help create healthy forest ecosystems and meadows. Right now piles are consuming very well and the park is utilizing this time to burn while weather conditions are favorable. This is usually a small window of time.

Smoke will be present during pile burning. Park managers work closely with the Mariposa County Air Pollution Control District to time the projects to coincide with favorable weather and smoke dispersion conditions. Smoke, affecting health, is always a consideration in the decision to schedule pile burning. However smoke from prescribed fire is significantly less than smoke from a long duration wildfire. 

Please use caution while traveling in these areas and make sure to look for signs on the roadways that say “Prescribed Fire Do Not Report”, this usually means crews are working close to the roads.

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  • Park Information: 209/372-0200

Last updated: June 6, 2019

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