There are nearly 900 different theses spanning the years 1910-2013. The earliest is by Albert Bartlett who wrote "Description of the Surveys of Portions of the South and East Boundaries of the Yellowstone National Park" which the University of Missouri has made freely available online, if you're in the mood for a scintillating read. Albert was a fascinating person. Born in 1885 in Wyoming (where he died in 1980), he earned his master's in mining engineering, formed an Engineering Company in Cheyenne and served as Assistant State Engineer, Deputy State Engineer, and State Geologist in Wyoming.
We are lucky to have theses and dissertations from many other fascinating and illustrious people. Most of these items are donated to us by the authors, but sometimes we have to purchase them from ProQuest or from the schools where the work was done.
Theses and dissertations collection, Yellowstone Research Library, 2013.
If you are curious about whether your thesis is already in the Yellowstone Research Library, check out our library catalog at To contact librarians if you are interested in donating your thesis or dissertation, please email us.