Superintendent's Compendium


Last updated: June 14, 2024

This Compendium for President's Park lists the various restrictions, conditions, public use limitations, closures and other designations that are allowed under the discretionary authority of the NPS Liaison to the White House. This discretionary authority is based upon NPS general regulations at 36 CFR Parts 1-6 as well as the park's special regulation at 36 CFR 7.96. This Compendium is separate and apart from the NPS general regulations at 36 CFR Parts 1-6 and 7.96, the complete text of which may be found on the NPS's website at: Laws, Policies & Regulations (U.S. National Park Service) ( or at the Government Printing Office's website at:

This Compendium applies to all persons entering, using, visiting and otherwise within the boundaries of lands controlled, leased, administered or otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the National Park Service, Office of the National Park Service Liaison to the White House, President's Park. The Act of Sept. 22, 1961, P.L. 87-286, 75 Stat. 586, codified at 3 U.S.C. 110 Note, provides that "reservation numbered 1 ... which is within the President's park enclosure, com­ pris[es] eighteen and seven one-hundredths acres ... shall be administered pursuant to the Act of August 25, 1916 [as amended and that] ... nothing done under this Act shall conflict with the administration of the Executive offices of the President or with the use and occupancy of the buildings and grounds as the home of the President and his family and for his official purposes." President's Park's "White House area" is also defined at 36 CFR 7.96(g)(iv) as "all park areas, including sidewalks adjacent there to; within these borders: on the south, Constitution Avenue, NW; on the north, H Street, NW; on the east, 15th Street, NW; and on the west, 17th Street, NW. [Note that it does not include the nearby Eisenhower Executive Office Building or the Department of the Treasury Building complexes.]

Approved: /s/ John Stanwich, National Park Service Liaison to the White House
Date: June 14, 2024

Address: 1849 C Street N. W. Rm. 1426 Washington, DC 20240
Telephone: (202) 219-0322
Fax: (202) 208-7628


I. Definitions

The following terms, generally derived from 36 CFR 1.4, are used in this Compendium:

Bicycle means every device propelled solely by human power upon which a person or persons may ride on land, having one, two, or more wheels, except a manual wheelchair.

E-bike (electric bicycle) means a two- or three-wheeled cycle with fully operable pedals and an electric motor of less than 750 watts (1 h.p.).

Motor Vehicle means every vehicle that is self-propelled and every vehicle that is propelled by electric power but is not operated on rails or upon water. This term also includes both Segway’s and motorized scooters.

Motorized Wheelchair means a self-propelled wheeled device, designed solely for and used by a mobility-impaired person for locomotion that is both capable and suitable for use in indoor pedestrian areas.

Park Manager means the official in charge of a park unit (area) as the authorized representative of the National Park Service.

Park Road means the main-traveled surface of a roadway open to motor vehicles, owned, con- trolled or otherwise administered by the National Park Service.

Pedicab means a bicycle with two rear wheels and one front wheel designed to be ridden by one or more persons and that can transport passengers on attached rear seats.

Permit means a written authorization to engage in uses or activities that are otherwise prohibited, restricted, or regulated.

Public Use Limit means the number of persons; number and type of animals; amount, size and type of equipment, vessels, mechanical modes of conveyance, or food/beverage containers al- lowed to enter, be brought into, remain in, or be used within a designated geographic area or facility; or the length of time a designated geographic area or facility may be occupied.

Scooter means a two, three or four wheeled motor vehicles as defined above.

Superintendent means the official with authority for a park unit (area) or units (areas) as the authorized representative of the National Park Service and who reports directly to a National Park Service Area Director. In the case of President’s Park, that official is the National Park Service Liaison to the White House.

II. Hours of Operation, Closures and Public Use Limitations

Pursuant to 36 CFR 1.5, the visiting hours, closures, public use limits or restrictions are below. Note that the dates/times listed of visiting hours are approximate and remain dependent on weather, staffing, funding levels, and on routine cleaning and servicing. Current hours of operation or other site-specific information may be obtained by contacting the Park Manager, President’s Park, 1849 C Street NW, Room #1426, Washington, DC 20240. Please note that areas may occasionally be closed for rehabilitation, maintenance, or security reasons, which will be indicated by signage or ranger direction:

A. Hours of Operation and Closures

  1. The White House Visitor Center is open 7 days a week, Sunday – Saturday, from 7:30 am – 4:00 pm, except for New Year’s Day (January 1), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday of November) and Christmas Day (December 25). The Visitor Center is open on all other federal holidays .
  2. The Ellipse Visitor Pavilion is open seasonally.
  3. The Lafayette Lodge Restrooms are open daily from 7:00 am – 5:00 pm, except when temporarily closed for routine cleaning and servicing, and on Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday of November), Christmas Day (December 25) and New Year’s Day (January 1).

B. Vehicle Access and Parking

  1. The roads within the Ellipse and around Lafayette Park, except for H Street, are “restricted vehicle areas” where vehicle access is allowed only after coordination with the United States Secret Service as well as with the NPS through its permit process or government contract.
  2. Vehicle access to Ellipse roadways, as part of an NPS issued permit, should be submitted 10 business days in advance of the first date of access being requested. This will enable the park to conduct a review of the request prior to submission for processing. Requests that are not received in the correct format or are not complete will be returned to the requestor for correction and resubmission. Requests are not processed on weekends or on Federal holidays.
  3. No public parking is available within President’s Park and visitors are encouraged to take public transportation or find parking on adjacent city streets or in parking garages.
  4. Bus loading/unloading is restricted to drop-off and pick up zones that are indicated by the appropriate signage. Idling is prohibited in all areas except during the loading and unloading of passengers.

C. Public Use Limitations

1. White House Visitor Center

  1. Due to the potential of damage to the resource and to prevent unreasonable interference with interpretation, visitor services, or other program activities, only NPS sponsored or co-sponsored special events will be considered for approval in the White House Visitor Center. The White House Visitor Center is a Federal facility under 18 USC § 930 where firearms or other dangerous weapons are prohibited. Pursuant to 18 UCS 930(h), notice of the prohibition is posted conspicuously at each public entrance.

  2. Pursuant to the NPS regulations at 36 CFR 1.5, 2.4(a)(1) and 2.15(a)(1), the following items are prohibited inside the White House Visitor Center:

a. Irritant Gas Devices
b. Pets (except service animals)
c. Stun Guns, Knives, Ammunition
d. Aerosol and Non-aerosol Spray Cans
e. Glass Containers
f. Food (except a small quantity of sealed food items, and except during special events that occur after public visiting hours and as authorized by the NPS Liaison to the White House)
g. Beverages (except water in clear plastic containers and baby formula, and except during special events after public visiting hours and as authorized by the NPS Liaison to the White House)
h. Eating or drinking (except during special events after public visiting hours and as authorized by the NPS Liaison to the White House)
i. Suitcases, duffel bags or backpacks larger than 18”x16”x8”
j. Any tangible objects that could reasonably threaten public safety and security.

2. Unmanned Aircraft

Pursuant to 36 CFR 1.5, the launching, landing, or operation of unmanned aircraft within the boundaries of President’s Park is prohibited. The term “unmanned aircraft” means a device that is used or intended to be used for flight in the air without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the device, and the associated operational elements and components that are required for the pilot or system operator in command to operate or control the device (such as cameras, sensors, communication links). This term includes all types of devices that meet this definition (e.g. model airplanes, quadcopters, drones) that are used for any purpose, including for recreation or commerce.

3. Climbing onto or Attaching Items

Pursuant to 36 CFR 1.5, climbing onto or attaching any item onto any tree, shrubbery or park structure in President’s Park is prohibited. The term “item” includes any item and includes a person. The term “park structure” include but is not limited to monuments, the White House fence as well as any other fencing, bike rack, bollards, jersey wall, flowerpot, statues, urns, poles, traffic boxes and wayside signs. The term “attaching” includes but is not limited to attaching, chaining, or handcuffing.

4. Segway

Segway is defined under 36 CFR 1.4 as a motor vehicle. Pursuant to 36 CFR § 1.5(a), 4.10(a) Segway are prohibited within President’s Park including all park roads, trails, and sidewalks. However, any park visitor with a disability is permitted to use Segway in President’s Park, including all facilities, park roads, sidewalks, trails, and other surfaces, when such devices are used for the sole purpose of mobility assistance. Those with a disability who use Segway must also adhere to the following:

  1. No person under 16 years of age may operate a Segway
  2. A person shall operate any mobility assistive device in a safe and responsible manner; maximum speed will not exceed more than 8 mph (sidewalk/intermediate key), so as not to endanger one’s self or any other park visitor
  3. A person riding any mobility assistive device upon entering the park and along a sidewalk, while crossing a roadway in a crosswalk or on any other surface shall have all the rights and duties applicable to a pedestrian under the same circumstances, except that the mobility assistive device operator must always yield to the pedestrians.

5. Pedicabs

Pedicabs, which are bicycles with two rear wheels and one front wheel designed to be ridden by one or more person and that can transport passengers on attached rear seats, are NOT allowed anywhere other than park roads. This is due to the pedicabs outside dimensions which are larger and heavier than bicycles, and which would negatively impact pedestrian safety.

6. Rollerblades, skates, skateboards, bicycles

Pursuant to 36 CFR 1.5, 2.20, 4.30, rollerblades, skates, skateboards, bicycles are permitted on roadways and most sidewalks in the park except for the White House sidewalk and the interior sidewalks of First Division Monument, Sherman Park and Lafayette Park, to ensure pedestrian safety and to protect park resources.

7. E-bikes

E-bikes are allowed in President’s Park where traditional bicycles are allowed. E-bikes are prohibited where traditional bicycles are prohibited. Except where use of motor vehicles by the public is allowed, using the electric motor to move an e-bike without pedaling is prohibited. A person operating an e-bike is subject to the following sections of 36 CFR part 4 that apply to the use of traditional bicycles: sections 4.12, 4.13, 4.20, 4.21, 4.22, 4.23, and 4.30(h)(2)-(5). Except as specified in this Compendium, the use of an e-bike within President’s Park is governed by State law, which is adopted and made a part of this Compendium. Any violation of State law adopted by this paragraph is prohibited.

8. Helium-filled balloons

Pursuant to NPS Management Policies and 36 CFR 1.5, helium-filled balloons are prohibited in President’s Park. Cold air-filled balloons may be allowed in President’s Park for specified activities under a specified permit condition.

9. Flying kites

Pursuant to 36 CFR 1.5, flying kites using glass-coated or other abrasive non-biodegradable kite string or line within President’s Park is prohibited.


III. Permits process and permit conditions

A. Permit, White House sidewalk and Lafayette Park regulations. Note NPS special regulations at 36 CFR 7.96, including 36 CFR 7.96(g)(3)(i) which addresses when and how permits are required for the use of President’s Park, including the Ellipse, Lafayette Park and the White House sidewalk. Note the regulation requires permits for any special event and for any demonstration that involves more than 25 persons or when a set-up is sought. If a speaker’s platform/stage is used for a demonstration, three sides of its plat form/stage must remain open to allow for visual inspection and nothing can be stored beneath it. Note that 36 CFR 7.96(g)(5)(A), (E) prohibits structures on the White House sidewalk as well as limits the size and placement of signs or placards and the placement of items, while 36 CFR 7.96(g)(5)(ix) addresses structures and signs in Lafayette Park.

B. Sound. President’s Park’s surrounds the home and office of the President of the United States. It, along with adjacent buildings just north of Lafayette Park, are residential areas and as such, to prevent unreasonable and excessive construction or maintenance noise, work can only be conducted in the park between the hours of 7 am and 9 pm, unless specific written permission has been obtained from the Manager, President’s Park. This is consistent with 36 CFR 2.12(a)(1)(ii) that prohibits the operation of motorized equipment or machinery in a manner that makes noise which is unreasonably disruptive, considering the nature and purpose of the individual’s conduct, location, time of day or night, purpose for which the area was established, impact on park users, and other factors that would govern the conduct of a reasonably prudent person under the circumstances.Note that 36 CFR 7.96(g)(xi) allows sound amplification equipment in connection with permitted demonstrations or special events, provided prior notice has been given to the Regional Director, except that (A) Sound amplification equipment may not be used on the White House sidewalk, other than hand-portable sound amplification equipment which the Regional Director determines is necessary for crowd control purposes; (B) The Regional Director reserves the right to limit sound amplification equipment so that it will not unreasonably disturb nonparticipating persons in, or in the vicinity of, the area.

C. Filming: Filming at President’s Park (White House)

  1. Lafayette Park:There are no filming permits issued for Lafayette Park as it is only a First Amendment Demonstration area.
  2. Ellipse: Must follow all Federal Commercial Filming regulations.
Under Federal Law all commercial filming on National Park Units requires a permit as listed in 36 CFR (5.5); 36 CFR (7.96), Director’s Order #53, 54 USC 100905
  1. Commercial filming means the film, electronic, magnetic, digital, or other recording of a moving image by a person, business, or other entity for a market audience with the intent of generating income.
  2. Federal law requires a permit for all commercial filming, no matter the size of the crew or the type of equipment.
  3. This includes individuals or small groups that don’t use much equipment, but generate revenue
Primary purpose of Commercial Filming Permits
  1. Commercial filming that has the potential to impact park resources and visitors beyond what occurs from normal visitor use of park areas
  2. Productions that use substantial equipment such as sets and lighting, productions with crews that exceed 5 people, and filming in closed areas, wilderness areas, or in locations that would create conflicts with other visitors or harm sensitive resources.

All those filming, no matter the size, must comply with all rules that apply in park areas, just like other visitors.

D. The organizer of any other type of filming activity must provide written notice to the Superintendent at least 10 working days prior to the start date of the proposed activity. Based upon the information provided, the Superintendent may require the organizer to apply for and obtain a permit if necessary, to:

  1. Maintain public health and safety

  2. Protect environmental or scenic values

  3. Protect natural and cultural resources

  4. Allow for equitable allocation and use of facilities

  5. Avoid conflict among visitor use activities

E. If the Superintendent determines that the terms and conditions of a permit could not mitigate the concerns identified above in an acceptable manner, the Superintendent may deny a filming request without issuing a permit. The Superintendent will provide the basis for denial in writing upon request.

The NPS will consider requests and process permit applications in a timely manner. Processing times will vary depending on the complexity of the proposed activity. If the organizer provides the required 10-day advance notice to the NPS and has not received a written response from the NPS that a permit is required prior to the first day of production, the proposed filming activities may occur without a permit.

The following is prohibited:

  1. Engaging in a filming activity without providing advance notice to the Superintendent when required
  2. Engaging in a filming activity without a permit if the Superintendent has notified the organizer in writing that a permit is required
  3. Violating a term and condition of a permit issued under this action.

Violating a term or condition of a permit issued under to this action may also result in the suspension and revocation of the permit by the Superintendent.

F. The Evaluation of Visual Impact Analysis for Permitted Temporary Structures on the National Mall produced by the NPS National Capital Area, Resource Stewardship and Science Cultural Resources Division articulates the basis for President's Park's standing policy for protecting the vista established in the 1934-35 Olmsted Plan from the encroachment of structures. This articulation is the basis for the park's long-standing practice of not allowing event structures to be placed within the 150-foot-wide vista sight line from the White House to the Jefferson Memorial. This long-established practice is very important to maintaining the historic and aesthetic integrity of the cultural landscape in President's Park South. To maintain this vista site line, the setup of equipment is strictly prohibited unless specifically approved, in writing, by the Park Superintendent and included in any issued NPS permit.

G. Resource protection on the Ellipse and its side panels. Since 2005, the NPS has extensively renovated the Ellipse and its side panels, in support of its mission of preserving, protecting and interpreting President’s Park. This renovation consisted of repairing utilities; installing a comprehensive irrigation system; regrading the area; replacing sidewalks, streetlights, benches, and other amenities; and installing new turf, and installing and maintaining sod. It is the firm conviction of the NPS that this project, the first comprehensive rehabilitation of the Ellipse since the 1940s, will result in increased enjoyment of the area by those who visit and use it for events and other activities. The investment made in these improvements, coupled with the mandate to preserve this exceptional park area, requires that appropriate care be taken in resource protection when permitted activities occur on the renovated Ellipse.

Accordingly, to protect park resources and other legitimate park value concerns, pursuant to 36 CFR § 7.96(g)(5)(xiii), and in coordination with the Office of Permits Management, the following President’s Park guidelines/conditions is established and is to be followed by anyone conducting activities, including any entity doing projects, as follows:

  1. All personnel (NPS, other agencies, partners, and contractors) requiring vehicular access to the Ellipse for the purpose of setup, support and break down of any event, must coordinate their activities through the Office of the Manager, President’s Park, 202-208-1631;
  2. Stands and other facilities approved for placement on the grass must be supported by interlocking heavy duty plastic material. Stages may be approved for placement on the grass with 1-inch plywood support. Material to be used MUST be approved in advance by the Park Manager, President’s Park;
  3. Vehicles, forklifts, front end loaders, gators, gas/electric carts moving equipment, especially heavy equipment on turf, must be supported by interlocking heavy duty plastic material to prevent turf damage, avoid movement of material and prevent tripping hazards. Materials to be used MUST be approved in advance by the Park Manager, President’s Park;
  4. Absolutely no driving on the grass without the pre-placement of approved turf protection material. Driving on sidewalks is limited to gators, gas/electric carts only and should be accompanied by a spotter who can alert both operators and pedestrians of any safety hazards;
  5. Support vehicle equipment, stored equipment, materials, etc. located on turf areas shall be supported by temporary interlocking protective material heavy enough to support the wheels and jacks of all vehicles/mobile units;
  6. Temporary interlocking protective material supports shall be installed over plazas, walkways, and turf areas for the ingress and egress of all vehicles/units or heavy equipment;
  7. To prevent damage to park water irrigation lines and underground utilities staking into the ground of any kind is prohibited unless pre-approved by National Park Service. If approved by NPS, the permittee must hire a private utility locating company to determine proper location for staking. Please note: MISS UTILITY would not mark NPS property. Water barrels and/or concrete blocks that sit on the temporary interlocking protective material will be permissible. Water to fill the barrels will have to be brought into the park since no service for filling the barrels is available on site. Water barrels cannot be emptied onto the Ellipse area turf or in the curb or roadway areas without the permission of the President’s Park Chief of Maintenance at e-mail us . Dumping of water containing non-biodegradable chemicals will not be permitted on the Ellipse area turf of its roadways; and,
  8. Generators: All generators, which must be hand carted or tow behind/tow plant, will:
    1. Be placed on interlocking plastic flooring material, approved in advance by the Park Manager, President’s Park.
    2. Be placed in fire retardant, self-absorbent secondary spill containment kit.
    3. Have bike rack completely around the generator to secure it from public access
    4. Have all cables covered with an approved cable trough/ramp so as not to present a tripping hazard.
    5. Have a fire extinguisher readily available near the generator
    6. Refueling of generators: Refueling of the generators will be permitted pursuant to the following conditions and will only be allowed on dates and times agreed upon in advance, and in writing, by the NPS. To protect park resources, the following materials must be placed on the ground during refueling:

(a) Plastic tarp
(b) Absorbent material on top of tarp
(c) Drip pan under fueling nozzle
(d) Spill containment material or absorbent booms or pads must be stored at each generator location
(e) 55-gallon drum labeled hazardous material must be placed along the side of each generator. Should spillage occur, the absorbent material must be placed in these barrels
(f) Permittee will be responsible for removing the barrels off park property
(g) Permittee will be responsible for any damage to the park’s resources because of the refueling
(h) In case of spill, please contact U.S Park Police (202) 610-7500 and the President’s Park Chief of Maintenance at e-mail us .

H. Resource protection of Pennsylvania Avenue between 15th and 17th Streets and Jackson and Madison Places. While jurisdiction for Pennsylvania Avenue between 15th & 17th Streets is under the District of Columbia and its Metropolitan Police Department, the NPS has a Memorandum of Understanding for the maintenance of the Avenue from 15th Street to 17th Street. Therefore, special care must be taken to ensure that damage does not occur. To ensure that damage does not occur and that any person, including any entity doing construction projects, does not find themselves liable for damage and for the resulting cost of replacing the granite and/or road surface, the following maintenance requirements should be followed in this area:

  1. No metal parts can touch the granite;

  2. Chalk cannot be used on the roads of the closed portion of Pennsylvania Avenue, or any park area of President’s Park, including Madison or Jackson Places, the sidewalks adjacent to Pennsylvania Avenue between 15th – 17th Streets, N.W;

  3. Paint cannot be used on the roads of the closed portion of Pennsylvania Avenue, or any park area of President’s Park, including Madison or Jackson Places, the sidewalks adjacent to Pennsylvania Avenue between 15th – 17th Streets, N.W;

  4. Tape may be temporarily placed on the roads but only after coordination and permission from the Park Manager, President’s Park;

  5. Cleaning of the roadway must be conducted under the guidance of the President’s Park Chief of Maintenance, e-mail us ;

  6. If snow and/or ice needs to be removed, the President’s Park Chief of Maintenance e-mail us must approve both the removal techniques and the products used; and,

  7. Any entity doing a construction project must comply with construction requirements which can be obtained from the Office of the NPS Liaison to the White House at (202) 219-0322.


IV. Other NPS discretionary function restrictions

A. Picnicking

While 36 CFR 2.11 generally allows picnicking, pursuant to 36 CFR 1.5 it is prohibited inside the White House Visitor Center. Picnicking, including the consumption of “brown bag” lunches, is allowed in outdoor park areas, but may not include the setup of tables or chairs. Picnicking in connection with a permitted public gathering or special event is allowed.

B. Fires

While 36 CFR 2.13 generally prohibits lighting or maintaining a fire, a permit may authorize open flame candles relating to a demonstration, but such candles must always be hand-held and equipped with drip protectors to protect park resources. Since wax can cause permanent damage unless removed properly and in a timely fashion, if wax drips occur in park areas, they shall contact the President’s Park Chief of Maintenance at e-mail us to ensure proper removal treatment occurs.

C. Smoking

Pursuant to 36 CFR 2.21, smoking is prohibited in the following areas:

  1. All government buildings and structures
  2. Within 500 feet of any fuel storage dispensing facility
  3. Within 25 feet of entrances to buildings
  4. This prohibition includes electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS)

D. Alcohol

Pursuant to 36 CFR 2.35(3)(i) alcoholic beverages are prohibited in any area of President’s Park unless authorized under a NPS permit and limited to a designated area.

E. Vehicle Speed Limits

Pursuant to 36 CFR 4.21, the maximum speed limits on all park roads are posted on signs.

F. Memorialization

The scattering of human and pet ashes from cremation is prohibited throughout the park.

Last updated: June 14, 2024

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