Curriculum Materials

Distance Learning

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  • Weir Farm National Historical Park

    What is Impressionism?

    • Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
    • Subject(s): Literacy and Language Arts
    A rocky hillside of a meadow with four animals on top of the hill.

    Students learn about the Impressionist art movement in preparation for the virtual or in-person field trip to Weir Farm National Historical Park in Wilton, Connecticut.

    • Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
    • Subject(s): Literacy and Language Arts,Social Studies
    A photo of two buildings in a meadow with trees surrounding it.

    Through videos and 3-D virtual tours, students are introduced to the artists who lived and created art at Weir Farm. They are encouraged to look closely at paintings and painting sites to discover artistic inspiration.

    • Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
    • Subject(s): Literacy and Language Arts
    A black and white close-up photograph of a man with short curly hair wearing a suit.

    In this activity, students read about Impressionist painter Julian Alden Weir and then use their reading comprehension skills to answer the questions.

  • Weir Farm National Historical Park

    The Five Themes of Geography and Weir Farm

    • Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
    • Subject(s): Social Studies
    A red house with a white porch and green shutters.

    Using examples from Weir Farm National Historical Park, students are introduced to the five themes of geography (location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, and region). They then use this information to examine the five themes of a place of their choice.

Supplemental Activities

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  • Weir Farm National Historical Park

    Art Alive! (Grades 1-4)

    • Type: Other Education Materials
    • Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
    • Subject(s): Literacy and Language Arts,Social Studies
    A group of students picking out black cases and clip boards out of plastic totes on a table.

    Students participating in a field trip at Weir Farm National Historical Park learn about the three generations of American artists who lived and painted her, and experience the authentic, untouched landscape that inspired them. Here are additional pre-visit and post-visit classroom activities for your students!

  • Weir Farm National Historical Park

    Art Alive! (Grades 5-8)

    • Type: Other Education Materials
    • Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
    • Subject(s): Literacy and Language Arts,Social Studies
    A girl wearing a white a blue hoodie stands in front of green trees sketching.

    Students participating in a field trip at Weir Farm National Historical Park learn about the three generations of American artists who lived and painted her, and experience the authentic, untouched landscape that inspired them. Here are additional pre-visit and post-visit classroom activities for your students!

  • Weir Farm National Historical Park

    Art Alive! (Grades 9-12)

    • Type: Other Education Materials
    • Grade Levels: High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade
    • Subject(s): Literacy and Language Arts,Social Studies
    A group of teenagers and adults stand in front of a pond on a trail.

    Students participating in a field trip at Weir Farm National Historical Park learn about the three generations of American artists who lived and painted her, and experience the authentic, untouched landscape that inspired them. Here are additional pre-visit and post-visit classroom activities for your students!

  • Weir Farm National Historical Park

    Weir Am I? (Grades 1-4)

    • Type: Other Education Materials
    • Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
    • Subject(s): Literacy and Language Arts,Social Studies
    A group of students hiking single file in a meadow.

    A variety of classroom activities that can be done as stand-alone lessons or as a Pre-Visit/ Post-Visit lessons with a visit to Weir Farm.

  • Weir Farm National Historical Park

    Weir Your Badge (Grades 1-4)

    • Type: Other Education Materials
    • Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
    • Subject(s): Literacy and Language Arts
    Students, sitting on mats in a sunken garden, painting.

    This field trip packet includes three seasonal visits to the park, as well as in-class lessons which encourage students to gain a broad perspective of the park. Students will design a symbol or badge to represent Weir Farm National Historical Park using the National Park Service Arrowhead as a model and use their newfound knowledge of their local national park as inspiration.

Last updated: November 3, 2023

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Wilton, CT 06897


203 834-1896 x0

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