Your Dollars at Work

The National Park Service collects Recreation Fees under the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (FLREA). Recreation Fees provide a vital source of revenue for improving facilities and services for park visitors.

In many national parks, 80% of Recreation Fees improve the park in which they are collected and the remaining 20% is distributed throughout the National Park System. At Vanderbilt Mansion National Historic Site 100% of Recreation Fees go back to the park.

Your fee dollars go toward many projects within the park to improve the park in the areas of :

  • Safety and Security

  • Public Programming

  • Landscape Restoration

  • Buildings and Structures

  • Preservation of interior and historic objects

If you have questions about Recreation Fees, please e-mail us

Work on a brick wall


Preserve and Maintain Formal Italian Gardens
Rehabilitate walkways, garden beds and other features of the formal Italian Gardens at the Vanderbilt Mansion

Preserve and Maintain historic spaces withing the Mansion
The public areas within the Vanderbilt Mansion require regular cleaning, preservation, and maintenance to ensure the historic structure and furnishings are preserved. Pest management and furnishing conservation are high priorities to ensure the long-term preservation of the Mansion.

Maintain and Provide Visitor Enjoyment on Mansion Grounds
Through trail maintenance, storm damage repair, rehabilitation of historic trees and landscaping, and roadway maintenance, the parks utilize Recreation Fee dollars to ensure the large cultural landscape of the Mansion is preserved and accessible for visitor enjoyment.

Last updated: January 4, 2024

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Mailing Address:

4097 Albany Post Road
Hyde Park, NY 12538


845 229-7770

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