Water Safety Challenge Coin Program

three people standing together. On left is park ranger wearing green. In center is tall man in ball cap and vest. On right is woman with blond, curly hair. Man on left and woman hold a large decorative medallion in the center. Man in center holds letter.
A recipient of the Water Safety Challenge Coin, Mr. Frank Salt, single-handedly dismantled and removed a rusty trailer from the riverbed near his property.


metal medallion with graphic of bridge over a river connecting 2 hillsides. Canoe & fisherman in river. Eagle in sky. Text: Upper Delaware Scenic & Recreational River.

What is the Water Safety Challenge Coin?

The Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River Challenge Coin was created in 2022 to recognize and reward visitors and members of the local community who go above and beyond by improving water safety or by saving a life. Although not exclusive to the government, challenge coins have a long-held tradition with service members and government leaders, being awarded during special events or to recognize excellence and hard work.

On average, 2 drownings occur each year on the Upper Delaware, and together as a river community, we can improve water safety while ensuring everyone can continue to safely enjoy the exceptional recreation opportunities the river has to offer.

What are the Criteria for the Water Safety Challenge Coin?

Water Safety Challenge Coins will be awarded to individuals, organizations, or teams which perform a specific action or complete a project that:

  • Positively affects safety on the Upper Delaware River and/or the Water Safety Program
  • Examples include but is not limited to: a lifesaving attempt, emergency response efforts, improving safety on the river (i.e. removal of hazardous object), or any act in preventing visitor injury.
  • Water Safety Challenge Coin nominations should be submitted in a timely manner but no more than six months from date of the action.

Nomination Instructions and Process

To submit a nomination, please click the application link below. You will be prompted to then fill out an email form. Please fill out the form following these instructions:

  • Email address: Please provide your email address (the person who is submitting the nomination).
  • Subject Line: Please type "Water Safety Challenge Coin Nomination"
  • Category: Select "Safety"
  • Address: This is optional. However, if you do not provide an address, we may request one later if the nominee is awarded a water safety challenge coin and chooses to have it mailed to them.
  • Your Message: Please provide the following information:
    • Name of Individual/Organization/Team being nominated.
    • Date the Water Safety Act was done, or if it was a multiple-day event, project, etc. the last day of the event or project.
    • In less than 500 words, please describe the Water Safety Act done.


Decision Process

Water Safety Challenge Coin nominations will be reviewed by the Water Safety Committee. Water Safety Challenge Coin recipients must receive a majority vote.



young woman stands next to table with waters and boards containing water safety and life jacket messaging
Corrine Hinton, recipient of a water safety challenge coin in 2022, stands with the water safety poster she designed.


Past Upper Delaware SRR Water Safety Challenge Coin Recipients

  • 2022 - Ms. Corrine Hinton, for the development and design of new water safety messaging graphics to be used throughout the river corridor.
  • 2023 - Mr. Frank Salt, for dismantling and removing a rusty trailer from the riverbed near his property.

Last updated: April 4, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

274 River Road
Beach Lake, PA 18405


570 685-4871

Contact Us