SUBJECT: Theodore Roosevelt National Park Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) Suspension, Restriction, Revocation, and Application Denial Policy
Violation |
Action by Superintendent |
First Violation | A written warning at a minimum. May include a period of CUA suspension or restriction depending upon the violation. |
Second Violation | CUA restriction or suspension for a minimum of 30 operating days and up to a maximum of 120 operating days. The restriction may continue into the next operating season and CUA applications for the next season may be denied until the term of the suspension is met. |
Third Violation | CUA revocation for the remaining operating season and subsequent application denial for the next three operating seasons. |
A CUA may also be suspended or restricted when the Holder/Owner or Employee is under investigation or is charged for a felony criminal offense by state or federal authorities if a nexus exists between the offense and the authorized business activity, the safety of Park visitors, or the preservation and protection of Park resources and values, regardless of whether the offense occurred in a unit of the National Park System. A CUA may be reinstated, or restriction lifted as a result of the final adjudication.
CUA Application Denial
An application for a CUA may be denied if the Holder/Owner or any of the Holder/Owner’s current or proposed Employees committed a violation, as defined above, within three years of the date of application. Applicants denied a CUA due to previous violations may reapply at any time but are subject to an additional nonrefundable application fee.
Notification Process
If a Holder/Owner or any of the Holder/Owner’s current Employees has committed a violation, the
Superintendent or his/her designee shall:
- Notify the Holder/Owner of the violation in writing as soon as appropriate. This notification may include immediate suspension or restriction of the CUA. It is in the best interest of the National Park Service and the Holder/Owner that the Holder/Owner be made aware of the violation and be given an opportunity to take corrective action to avoid future violations and provide an explanation of the circumstances leading to the violation.
- Notify the Holder/Owner in writing of the final administrative action including, but not limited to, suspension, restriction, revocation, or denial of a future CUA or other National Park Service-issued permits. The Holder/Owner will also be notified of their right to appeal.
- Notify the Midwest Region and Washington Office CUA Coordinators as appropriate.
Appeal Process
An appeal of the action may be made to the Superintendent in writing within 30 days of the action. Appeals must set forth the facts and circumstances the Holder/Owner believes support the appeal. The Holder/Owner may request a meeting to discuss the appeal with the Superintendent or his/her representative. The Superintendent may affirm, reverse, or modify the decision appealed and will set forth in writing the basis of the decision after considering the materials submitted by the Holder/Owner and the National Park Service record of the matter, and after the meeting with the Holder/Owner if the Holder/Owner requested a meeting. A copy of the final decision will be forwarded to the Holder/Owner.

Last updated: May 22, 2024