Last updated: May 11, 2021
Thing to Do
Saratoga NHP 100 Mile Challenge

Complete 100 miles or more of hiking or biking at Saratoga National Historical Park between the start of National Park Week (mid-April) and National Public Lands Day (September) each year. E-mail us for your log today!
The 100 mile challenge is open to hiking and biking activities so long as the activities are completed within the boundaries of Saratoga National Historical Park. Please note: bicycles are not permitted off road within the park.
All are welcome and encouraged to participate.
Dogs must be leashed. Visitors are required to clean up after their pets and waste bags are provided on the premises.
Saratoga National Historical Park is a fee free park
Saratoga National Historical Park is located 40 miles north of Albany, the state capital, and approximately 15 miles southeast of Saratoga Springs.
Reservations are not required, but registration is. Please e-mail to register for the 100 mile challenge.
Challenge runs from the beginning of National Park Week (mid-April) through National Public Lands Day (September).
Park grounds are open sunrise-sunset, daily.
The Battlefield Driving Tour Road (bike route) is paved, but there are sections with steep grades that may be difficult to navigate.
Wilkinson Trail is made up of a mixture of forest floor (roots and twigs), mowed grass, and crosses small streams. While parts of the trail are easier to traverse, there are sections with steep grades that may be difficult to navigate.
The Victory Woods Trail received the National Park Service 2010 Architectural Design Project Achievement Award for its accessibility. Handicapped parking for Victory Woods is located at the end of Monument Drive in Schuylerville.
Visitor Center
Parking: two spaces available in main parking lot at bottom of ramp. Ramp has a steep incline to visitor center; additional parking is available on Roosevelt Rd.
Entrance: automatic front doors (2 sets) open outwards, ramp and automatic rear door opens outwards
Restrooms: partially accessible indoor restrooms are available in the visitor center - a handicap stall is available, but there is no automatic door. A partially accessible outdoor portable toilet is available in the lower level of the visitor center parking area near the tour road entrance.
Water: water fountains located inside visitor center between restrooms and one located outside off ramp from main parking lot. Water contains sodium in excess of 20 mg/L
Picnic tables: handicap accessible picnic area is accessible from main parking lot, picnic tables are also available behind visitor center
Exhibits: artifacts on display in glass cases, visually and physically available from a wheelchair. Doors from museum area to paved patio are automatic.
Tour Road (during open season)
A 10-mile driving tour road provides access to areas where the critical 1777 events took place. Along the way there are a total of 10 stops, each stop has a parking area and interpretive signage.
Parking: each stop along the tour road has two accessible parking spaces.
Restrooms: partially accessible outdoor portable toilets are available at tour road entrance and stop 2, and a composting toilet is available at tour road stop 7.
Walkways: all tour road stops have paved walkways, several meet ADA grade and slope requirements, but some do not. Some visitors may experience difficulty accessing tour road stops 2, 7, and 8. The park has undergone an accessibility review and will be implementing these critical walkway upgrades in the future.

Take on the Challenge!
Join the National Park Service to celebrate Healthy Parks Healthy People by participating in the 100 mile challenge along the trails within Saratoga National Historical Park - participants are able to hike or bike to complete the challenge. Keep track of miles you've accumulated in the park and when you reach that magic number - 100 - you will earn a special prize that places you in that elite group of wilderness pedestrians.
The challenge begins with National Park Week (mid-April) and ends with National Public Lands Day (September).
To register for the challenge, e-mail us with a list of all participants (dogs included); we will confirm your participation and send a log to help you track your mileage throughout the challenge. You can also send us a message on Facebook for more information. We encourage everyone to share your hikes or rides with us via your favorite mobile hiking or riding app on our Facebook page - #SARA100mi.
Bring the dog(s) along!
Dogs are great companions for enjoying the outdoors and are allowed on trails at Saratoga National Historical Park. To complete this challenge, each participating dog must hike 100 miles in the park with their human companion.
To register your dog(s), simply add their name(s) to your email when you register for this challenge (and indicate that this is a dog). Keep track of the miles you and your dog(s) hike in the park; dogs who hike 100 miles will receive a special pet award.
Please respect all visitors to parks and help protect site resources by following the park's pet policies:
- Dogs must be kept on a leash no longer than 6 feet at all times. Leashes protect pets from becoming lost, from hazardous wildlife encounters, and from scaring or threatening wildlife. Leashes also protect other visitors who may be afraid, allergic, or who do not want a pet approaching them.
- Pick up your pet's excrement. It is unpleasant to encounter and degrades the park's ecosystem.
- Bring water for your pet to drink on your hikes. Streams may contain bacteria or parasites such as Giardia that are harmful to you and your pet.
- As much as we love four-legged creatures, do not bring pets to public ranger programs; this avoids potential conflicts with other animals and respects other program participants.

NPS Photo