Last updated: November 22, 2020
Thing to Do
Paddling Woolum to Baker Ford

Call Tyler Bend Visitor Center 870-439-2502 for current information. The Buffalo River is a “losing stream” here and becomes a dry riverbed when river levels drop. The river can be entirely underground for up to 4 miles downstream of Woolum to Margaret White Springs. Several bluffs along this reach (Margaret White, Whisenant, Buzzard Roost and Peter Cave) are more than 200 feet high.
Peter Cave Bluff, about 2 miles upstream of Baker Ford, was the site of a tie slide when timber was floated the Buffalo. At that time a cable began high on the bluff down to the sandbar on the opposite bank (like today’s zipline). The log was stapled to the cable. It would hit the sandbar below with enough force to knock the staples loose, and the sand would soften the impact sufficiently to not destroy the wood. This stretch of river has a shuttle trip of approximately 1/2 hour (11 miles – about ½ is gravel road). The Baker Ford access is on river left.
- Ticks, chiggers, and snakes live in the park. Keep the interaction between these park inhabitants and your pet to a minimum by keeping your dog out of any tall vegetation.
- Know your dog and their abilities, temperment, and level of stamina. A hot summer day on the river can be draining on people and pets. Know your limits.
- A life jacket for your dog is a great idea in case you capsize (do not tie your dog to your boat). Even though dogs can swim a life jacket can make it much easier to retrieve your dog in the event of an accident. If you become separated from your dog on the river call the park's 24-hour dispatch at 1-888-692-1162 to make a report.
- Respect wildlife and other visitors. Remember that when you get out on a gravel bar or access point your dog needs to be leashed in order to protect them, other visitors, and wildlife.
- Please pick up after your pet. This limits the exposure and spread of potential diseases and keeps our river corridor clean.