Last updated: July 23, 2024
Thing to Do
Kayak with the Dolphins

NPS Photo
The waters of Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve in Jacksonville, Florida provide critical habitat for Atlantic bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Although the area hosts dolphins year-round, rangers recommend planning your excursion for the summer months. During the summer, the St. Johns River experiences a large influx of dolphins. Summer is also the peak mating and birthing season. Dolphins are best observed in the park by kayak and from a distance. Never get in the water to swim with dolphins, these majestic creatures are powerful and unpredictable.
You can launch your own kayak from Cedar Point boat ramp or rent a kayak. The best time of day to observe dolphins is when the water is calmer. We recommend early morning weekday trips.
Be sure to have the camera ready (and water-proof) for when dolphins come up to the surface!
Report Injured or Stranded Marine Animals – FWCC Hotline 1-888-404-FWCC (3922)
Bethesda Park - 10790 Key Haven Boulevard, Jacksonville, FL 32218,
Kathryn Abbey Hanna Park - 500 Wonderwood Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32233 and
Southbank Riverwalk - 1001 Museum Circle, Jacksonville, FL 32207
The Hanna Park launch is the nearest to Timucuan Preserve.