Last updated: September 6, 2024
Thing to Do
Crissy Field Birdwatching

Bring your binoculars and see what birds you can find while enjoying Crissy Field and the restored Crissy Field Marsh!
Learn more about the birds at Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
In the Wildlife protection area, dogs are required On-Leash all year, except between May 15th and July 1st, when they can be On-Leash OR voice control.
Dogs are not allowed in Crissy Marsh, Inlet, & Fenced or Signed Vegetation Areas.
In picnic and parking areas dogs are On-Leash only. East Crissy Lawn area, south of, but not including, secondary parking areas to Mason St. dogs are allowed On-Leash or under Voice Control.
For more detailed information about dog friendly areas within Golden Gate National Recreation Area please visit our website.
At the East Beach area you will find an accessible restroom facility, look for the concrete building adjacent to the parking lot. Beyond the restroom building, to the West, is a new accessible picnic area which contains both accessible family and group picnic sites. Located in front of the restroom building is an accessible dog washing station.
There is a beach access mat provided at East Beach, look for a sign located along the promenade.
The main Crissy Field promenade is generally accessible and connects East Beach to West Bluff. The promenade is constructed out of a decomposed granite material.
The outer pathways of the Crissy Air Field are generally accessible. A few of the pathways contain stairs; however, alternate routes are provided.
The Crissy Air Field is grass and can be accessed by using a Beach Wheelchair.
The West Bluff area contains generally accessible picnic sites. There are generally accessible restrooms located near the Warming Hut.
The amphitheater located at West Bluff provides accessible seating along a portion of the top row, here you will also find an accessible picnic table located on a decomposed granite surface.
The Torpedo Wharf fishing pier located near the Warming Hut is usable. The pier contains cracking and heaving asphalt, please proceed with caution.