Last updated: May 7, 2024
Thing to Do
Boat Lake Mead

NPS/A. Cattoir
Lake Mead is a great place to be when the summer heat hits. Boaters can utilize four launch ramps to access different parts of this lake:
- Hemenway Harbor - direct access to Boulder Basin and Hoover Dam areas.
- Echo Bay - direct access to the Overton Arm
- Callvile Bay - direct access to the narrows, and can get you to Hemenway Harbor or Echo Bay.
- Temple Bar -
Before You Launch
Visitors can access Lake Mead's launch ramps with a park entrance pass. It's important to note that all watercraft must be inspected for invasive species prior to launching, and boaters should always be aware of speed limits, no-wake zones, and other regulations to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience on the water.
Launch Ramps
Declining water levels due to climate change and 20 years of ongoing drought have reshaped the park’s shorelines. As Lake Mead continues to recede, extending launch ramps becomes more difficult and more expensive due to the topography and projected decline in water levels. Water levels are managed by the Bureau of Reclamation.Rent a Boat
Marinas on Lake Mead and Lake Mohave rent a variety of boats, including sports boats, pontoon boats, fishing boats, houseboats, personal watercraft and paddlecraft. They also rent water sports equipment, such as waterskis and wakeboards. For full details and to make a reservation, contact the marinas directly.When you rent a boat, you will not need to purchase a vessel pass or AIS decal. Those are provided by the marina.
A person renting a vessel in Nevada must meet their state of residence boating education requirements. Every operator of a rental vessel is required to receive a safety briefing before operating the vessel.
Lifejacket Requirements
All vessels, except sailboards, must have at least one Coast Guard-approved life jacket for each person on board or being towed. This includes paddlecraft.Children under 13 years old must wear a life jacket whenever underway in a vessel, unless they are in a fully enclosed area. Inflatable life jackets are not approved for persons under age 16.
Each person on board a personal watercraft or anyone being towed behind a vessel must wear a life jacket. Inflatable life jackets are not approved for these activities.
All occupants of hand-propelled craft operating between Hoover Dam and River Mile 43 (Chalk Cliffs) on Lake Mohave are required to wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved personal flotation device when underway.
State Boating Laws
Lake Mead and Lake Mohave are located in both Nevada and Arizona. As a boater, you are responsible for complying with the laws for both states.View the Superintendent's Compendium for park-specific boating laws.
Current Conditions and Park Alerts
Visitors are encouraged to plan ahead and stay informed by checking current conditions and alerts. Be prepared for longer wait times for launching and recovery. Ongoing maintenance and construction at ramps may require temporary closures.Your boat must be registered and equipped with safety equipment in accordance with your state's vessel laws.
When boating in Nevada, you are required to purchase and display an AIS (aquatic invasive species) decal on your vessel (unless it is registered in Arizona). These can be purchased online at
Map of Lake Mead Launch Ramps
Boating Information
In Nevada
All persons who operate vessels powered by a motor over 15 horsepower and who were born on or after January 1, 1983, must take and pass a boater education course or proficiency exam. The course exam must be one that is approved by NDOW.
A person operating a personal watercraft must be at least 14 years of age.
A person operating a vessel that is towing a person on water skis, a surfboard or any other device must be:
At least 16 years of age or...
At least 14 years of age and have on board a person at least 18 years of age in a position to supervise the operator.
In Arizona
It is illegal for a person under the age of 12 to operate a vessel with a motor greater than 8 horsepower (which includes personal watercraft) unless:
An emergency exists or...
The child's parents or legal guardian is on board or...
Another person at least 18 years of age is on board.
Before you launch, make sure that your vessel meets the federal requirements below.
Display your boat's registration numbers on each side of the forward half of the boat.
Carry a copy of current state registration documents on board.
You must have a properly fitting, serviceable life jacket readily available on board for all occupants.
Have a way to make a suitable day and night distress signal (flare, strobe light, etc.)
Keep a portable fire extinguisher on board (types required vary by vessel).
Follow ventilation requirements for your vessel type.
All gasoline-powered inboard/outboard or inboard motor boats must be equipped with an approved backfire flame control device.
Carry a sound-producing device (whistle, horn, etc.) that can be heard for at least 1/2 mile.
All boats (including paddlecraft) must be able to display navigation lights.
Boats 26 feet and over with a machinery compartment must display an oily waste pollution placard.
Boats 26 feet and over in length must display a "MARPOL" trash placard. Boats 40 feet and over must also display a written trash disposal plan.
Any installed toilet must be a Coast Guard approved device. Overboard discharge outlets must be capable of being sealed.
Boats 39.4 feet and over must have on board a current copy of the Navigation Rules.
Keep your deck free of hazards with a clean bilge.
Protect fuses or manual reset circuit breakers from rain or water.
Portable fuel tanks must be made of non-breakable material with a vapor-tight, leak-proof cap.
See if your PWC is compliant.
Operable Lake Mead Launch Ramps
- Lake Mead National Recreation Area
Echo Bay Launch Ramp
- Lake Mead National Recreation Area
Callville Bay Launch Ramp
- Lake Mead National Recreation Area
Temple Bar Launch Ramp
- Locations: Lake Mead National Recreation Area
- Lake Mead National Recreation Area
Hemenway Harbor Launch Ramp
- Locations: Lake Mead National Recreation Area
Set sail in the Boulder Basin of Lake Mead from Hemenway Harbor. Boating services include a launch ramp, fuel sales (marine and auto) along with a variety of boat and equipment rental options to include sport boats, pontoon boats, personal watercraft, paddlecraft and water sport equipment. Boat slip rentals are also available.
Inoperable Lake Mead Launch Ramps
- Lake Mead National Recreation Area
South Cove Launch Ramp
- Lake Mead National Recreation Area
Boulder Harbor Launch Ramp