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- Weir Farm National Historical Park (4)
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- Mesa Verde National Park (3)
- Aztec Ruins National Monument (2)
- Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument (2)
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Showing 29 results for paintings ...
Painted Lodges
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Painting 1000 Words
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
The Dirt on Ancestral Puebloan Plaster and Paint
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade

Plaster and paint are integral parts of archeological research at Mesa Verde. In this lesson, students use soil to create their own plaster artwork. They also act as archeologists and use the scientific method to explain how the Ancestral Pueblo people used soil to make plaster and paint. By the end of the lesson, they will be able to answer the question: What can archeologists learn from studying plasters about the Ancestral Puebloan people and their artwork?
Arts, Crafts, Clothing and Appearance: Flint, Pottery, Painting
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade

Hidatsas and Mandans made tools, housewares, clothing, toys, and musical instruments from things that were available nearby or sometimes farther off if the material was important in the production of the item. In this lesson, students will tell a story by designing a buffalo robe like people did during Knife River Village days and they will discuss and portray how people might describe the life-ways of today one hundred years from the present using their media of choice.
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Missouri Capital Mural 5th & 6th Grade
Missouri Capitol Mural 3rd & 4th Grade
Missouri Capital Mural 7th & 8th Grade
Virtual Field Trip to Weir Farm National Historical Park
- Type: Distance Learning
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
- Type: Student Activities
- Grade Levels: Lower Elementary: Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade
A fun activity for small children. They can choose what fossil to make and then paint it.
ArtCH Camp Summer Camp
- Type: Student Activities ... Other Education Materials
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Make Your Own Fossils
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Antietam Then and Now
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade

Students will study historic photographs, sketches, and paintings of the battle and then compare them to modern photographs of the battlefield. They will then complete a writing assignment that compares the battlefield then and now. Skills: Reading, writing, utilization and analysis of primary sources, group discussion.
Art Alive! (Grades 1-4)
- Type: Other Education Materials
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade

Students participating in a field trip at Weir Farm National Historical Park learn about the three generations of American artists who lived and painted her, and experience the authentic, untouched landscape that inspired them. Here are additional pre-visit and post-visit classroom activities for your students!
Art Alive! (Grades 5-8)
- Type: Other Education Materials
- Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Students participating in a field trip at Weir Farm National Historical Park learn about the three generations of American artists who lived and painted her, and experience the authentic, untouched landscape that inspired them. Here are additional pre-visit and post-visit classroom activities for your students!
Art Alive! (Grades 9-12)
- Type: Other Education Materials
- Grade Levels: High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade
Students participating in a field trip at Weir Farm National Historical Park learn about the three generations of American artists who lived and painted her, and experience the authentic, untouched landscape that inspired them. Here are additional pre-visit and post-visit classroom activities for your students!
Geologic Maps
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade

Students will make their own interpretive map of the Florissant valley using either watercolor paint or whatever else is available to them. The students will create their maps using a video filmed at the overlook point on the geologic trail to provide them with a large view of the valley. They will use Arthur Lakes’ 1878 watercolor map of the Florissant valley as a reference.
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade

Ann Axtell was a prominent archeologist, artist, and author. Ann spent much of her time recording and painting architecture, petroglyphs and pictographs, landscapes, and expedition work. Many of her recording methods are still in use today by modern archeologists. Este plan de clase con actividades incluido también está disponible en español.
"Temperature, Clouds and Sun is Weather - Oh, My!"
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Lower Elementary: Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade

The program consists of videos, hands-on projects, and observation-based activites. The participant will: Create a cloud headband. Learn about the job of a Meteorologist. Predict tomorrow’s weather. Learn about Martin Van Buren’s year without a Summer. Conduct an experiment to create a cloud in a jar and document the type of cloud by comparing it to a cloud chart. Enjoy some En Plein Air drawing or painting of cloud formations.
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Lower Elementary: Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade

The program consists of videos, hands-on projects, and observation-based activites. The participant will: Create a cloud headband. Learn about the job of a Meteorologist. Predict tomorrow’s weather. Learn about Martin Van Buren’s year without a Summer. Conduct an experiment to create a cloud in a jar and document the type of cloud by comparing it to a cloud chart. Enjoy some En Plein Air drawing or painting of cloud formations.