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Showing 938 results for immigration history ...
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade

Immigration involves making the difficult decision to leave the homeland and adapt to a new life in a new location. What conditions influenced people to emigrate from their homeland in Quebec, and how were their lives changed by their relocation to Woonsocket, Rhode Island? Explain how people and communities weighed the benefits and costs of emigrating. Explain how new opportunities for work in the textile industry drew immigrants to settle in New England.
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade

Immigration involves making the difficult decision to leave the homeland and adapt to a new life in a new location. In this lesson, students will answer the following essential question: What conditions influenced people to emigrate from their homeland in Quebec, and how were their lives changed by their relocation to Woonsocket, Rhode Island?
Immigrant Eyes
City of Immigrants Traveling Trunk
- Type: Traveling Trunk
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade

"Congratulations, you are now citizens of the United States!" Thousands of immigrants came to the United States and longed to hear these words. They hoped to build better lives for themselves and their families. In this traveling trunk, students will join three immigrant families--the Reillys, the Kuhlmanns, and the Martinos--as they immigrated to the United States and made St. Louis their home.
Immigration, Culture, and Community Virtual Field Trip
- Type: Distance Learning
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Discover the stories of people who came from all over the world to Lowell and who now make up the city’s diverse community. By investigating primary sources, oral histories, and objects, students learn about the immigrant groups who arrived in the U.S. in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries, including why they came, how they met the challenges of settling in a different environment, and how they contributed to their new community.
Working in America: The Allegheny Portage Railroad and the Immigration Movement
- Type: Student Activities
- Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Working in America" is an interdisciplinary program designed to help students achieve state and national standards in History/Social Studies, Speaking/Listening, Geography, Arts/Humanities, and Technology Education. The working standards vary state to state, but there is substantail agreement on the knowledge and skills students should acquire.
Why Visit His Home?
History on Trial
- Type: Field Trips
- Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
History Hunters
- Type: Traveling Trunk
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
This activity trunk is designed to introduce learners to the ways that historians, archeologists, and anthropologists use primary resources to learn about the past. Students will role-play by wearing costumes identifying each as an anthropologist, archeologist, or historian.
History and Technology
- Type: Student Activities
- Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
No image provided
Historical Characters
- Type: Student Activities
- Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade

In this activity, students will learn about nine key participants in the Battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma and the Siege of Fort Brown. They will discover how the personalities of these key leaders helped them during these clashes and influenced their outcome. Students them compare their own personality traits to discover how they are like or different from these leaders.
Do History and Science at the Tsongas Industrial History Center
George Washington Carver - The Artist: Resource to His People
Neighborhood Treats
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Lower Elementary: Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade

In oral history interviews, immigrants spoke in great detail about how they felt tasting Jello, white bread, and bananas for the first time. Often they sent letters back home describing their awe and nervous anticipation of the textures and tastes of these new foods. Students will get a chance to try new foods that contributed to the immigrant experience on Ellis Island and of today.
Park History Talk
- Type: Field Trips ... Guest Speakers
- Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade