Traveling Trunk

Winter Wildlife Traveling Trunk

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Literacy and Language Arts,Math,Science,Social Studies
State Standards:
Next Generation Science Standards:
Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems K-LS1-1
Inheritance and Variation of Traits 3-LS3-2
Space Systems: Patterns and Cycles 1-ESS1-2
Weather and Environment K-PS3-1

Bring the wonder of a Grand Teton winter into your classroom!

The three lesson plans included in the trunk can be used together or separately. Students will learn how the earth's tilt and rotation causes winter in Wyoming, local animal adaptations for surviving winter, and wildlife tracking skills. The trunk includes animal furs, tracks, books, and other exciting materials to help you teach these lessons.

Borrowing Instructions

Trunks are free of charge. Borrowers can pick them up in the park, or local delivery may be available in some cases. Sorry, our trunks are too big to mail! For questions or reservations, please contact us via email or call 307-739-3349.

Last updated: March 8, 2019