Field Trips

Wild vs Domestic- All About Animals

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Literacy and Language Arts,Science
State Standards:
See the Teacher's Field Trip Guide for a complete list of curriculum connections for DC, MD, and VA.

Bring your students to Oxon Hill Farm to explore the outdoors and learn about wild and domestic animals. Students will participate in a tour of the farm, Ranger-led hike, and animal charades activity. This field trip program comes complete with pre- and post-visit activities to do in the classroom.

Email us to schedule your field trip. Trips must be scheduled at least two weeks in advance.

Max. 40 students. Mandatory chaperone ratio of at least 1 adult for every 7 children. 


Complete lesson plans for pre- and post-visit activities. Common Core, NGSS, and DC/MD/VA Curriculum Connections.

Download Teacher's Guide: Wild vs Domestic

Last updated: September 26, 2023