Distance Learning

Waterpower: Powering a Revolution Virtual Field Trip

Grade Level:
Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
State Standards:
Massachusetts Grade 7
Physical Science: MS-PS3-5.
Technological Systems: MS-ETS3-4 (MA).

Explore how Lowell's many integrated systems, including waterwheels and turbines, transformed the potential energy of the Merrimack River into kinetic energy that ran the machines. Through a series of investigations led by one of our educators, students generate hypotheses and analyze data to determine the most efficient ways to distribute energy to all the mills' machines.

Classroom, home, and hybrid options are available. The classroom version requires a computer and projector/smart-board. Home versions require each student to have their own computer or tablet. This program is designed for grades 4-8.

Call us at 978-970-5080 to reserve your program date and time.
Full information: https://www.uml.edu/Tsongas/Education-Programs/Virtual-Field-Trips.aspx

Last updated: April 11, 2023