Distance Learning

Vote: The 1844 Election

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Social Studies
Common Core Standards:
4.RI.3, 4.RI.9, 4.SL.2
State Standards:
State: TX
Subject: Social Studies
Grade Level: 4
State Standards 3: History (E), 15: Citizenship (C); 19: Social studies skills (D)

In this program, students learn how the 1844 Presidential election influenced the U.S.-Mexican War. In addition, students will better understand the importance of voting.

In 1844, the public could vote for pro-war Democrat James Polk or anti-war Whig Henry Clay. The outcome determined the future of the United States.

First, students learn about the causes of the War. Next, they compare their beliefs to those of the 1844 Democrat and Whig parties.

After studying the backgrounds of both Polk and Clay, students learn about the 1844 voting process. Students will choose a colored ballot and put it in a see-through box.

Afterwards, students tally the results and compare them to the 1844 results. They also discuss how their results would have changed both U.S. and Mexican history.

This experience helps them understand the importance of learning the positions of candidates and the civic duty to vote.

Teachers can connect via Microsoft Teams. Email us or call (956) 541-2785 ext. 332 for information on how to schedule this program.


Ballot will be used when students vote.

Download Polk Ballot

Ballot will be used when students vote.

Download Clay Ballot

Last updated: August 4, 2023