Field Trips

Urban Pools

Grade Level:
High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade
Science,Social Studies

The use and management of water in the parks in the District of Columbia are reflections of the enduring and evolving relationship between humans and nature. Through this field trip, students will l come to a deeper understanding of our human connection to water, not only through the study of urban pools in Washington, D.C., but also through the study of how water has been used and managed throughout history in several different cultures. 

In the field trip, students will collect water quality data from at least two of the Mall’s urban pools and compare data with current management plans. 

This field trip is part of the Bridging the Watershed (BTW) curriculum program. BTW is an outreach program of the Alice Ferguson Foundation, in partnership with the National Park Service (NPS) and area schools, designed to promote student academic achievement, personal connections with the natural world, lifelong civic engagement, and environmental stewardship through hands-on curriculum-based outdoor studies in national parks and public lands.

For more information on participating in this field study, contact the BTW program.  

Last updated: February 11, 2019