Distance Learning, Traveling Trunk

Travel Backpacks

Grade Level:
Lower Elementary: Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade
Literacy and Language Arts,Science,Social Studies
Common Core Standards:
K.RF.4, 1.RF.4, 2.RF.4, 3.RF.4, 5.RF.4

Park travel backpacks are available for loan through the St. Johns County Public Library System for educators, homeschool parents, and families. Each backpack contains a book and hands-on materials to support the following topics: National Park Service, Wildlife, Early Florida, Colonial Games, and American Civil War.

A green NPS backpack with a book and hands-on materials. 

Early Florida Travel Backpack

Built by the Spanish in St. Augustine to defend Florida and the Atlantic trade route, Castillo de San Marcos National Monument preserves the oldest masonry fortification in the continental United States and interprets more than 450 years of cultural intersections.Fort Matanzas National Monument preserves the fortified coquina watchtower, completed in 1742, which defended the southern approach to the settlement of St. Augustine. Explore curriculum!

Interact with the items in the Early Florida Travel Bag: Castillo de San Marcos Book, Fort Matanzas Book, Small Castillo de San Marcos Model, Colonial Women’s Costume, Colonial Soldier's Costume, Tricorn Hat, Piece of Coquina, Spanish Fusil Example Kit, Eight-Coin Treasure Set, Gun Powder Horn, Replicas of Artifacts Example Kit, 18th Century Playing Cards, Wooden Powder Keg Puzzle, Compass, Brass Telescope

A backpack with stuffed animals and a book on wildlife.

Wildlife Travel Backpack

Did you know Fort Matanzas National Monument protects over 300 acres of Florida coastal environment containing dunes, marsh, maritime forest, and associated flora and fauna, including threatened and endangered species?

Discover the animals of Fort Matanzas. Explore the exciting world of sea turtles. Learn about animal adaptations.

Interact with the items in the Wildlife Travel Bag: A Swim through the Sea Book, Alligator Stuffed Animal, River Otter Stuffed Animal, Dolphin Stuffed Animal, Green Sea Turtle Stuffed Animal, Loggerhead Turtle Stuffed Animal, Black Snake Stuffed Animal, Osprey Stuffed Animal, Armadillo Model, Sea Turtle Jigsaw Puzzle, Pocket Naturalist guide: A Florida Seashore Life, Pocket Naturalist guide: A Florida Wildlife, Fishes of Florida Atlantic Coast Pamphlet, Shells of the Southern Atlantic Coast Pamphlet, Sea Turtle of the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Pamphlet

A green NPS backpack with colonial games and a book. 

Colonial Games Travel Backpack

How do you spend your free time? What games and toys do you usually play? Ask your parents and grandparents, what did they like to play when they were young? Children in Colonial Florida had a lot of chores to do to help their families survive. Boys would chop wood, feed animals, and hunt. Girls would grind corn, spin, and weave. Many poorer children did not go to school. They learned to farm, hunt, cook, and sew from their families. Even though colonial kids worked hard, they still found time for outdoor fun, like swimming, fishing, and flying kites.

Learn about colonial games, explore coloring pages, and discover more online activities for kids.

Interact with the items in Colonial Games Travel Bag: Colonial Kids Book, Cup and Ball Toy, Classic Jacks Game, Game of Graces, Nine Pins Game, Wooden Powder Keg Puzzle, Tabletop Game of Quoits, 18th Century Playing Cards, Brass Telescope, Wooden Toy Cannon, Mini Cannon Firing Puzzle, Compass

A green NPS backpack with hands-on materials and a book.

American Civil War Travel Backpack

4,000,000 freed. 750,000 dead. 1 nation saved. From 1861 to 1865, the American union was broken as brother fought brother in a Civil War that remains a defining moment in our nation’s history. Its causes and consequences, including the continuing struggle for civil rights for all American, reverberate to this day. From battlefields to the homefront, the cost of war was steep and its lessons eternal.

Explore the American Civil War, discover Florida’s role in the Civil War, and learn more about African American history in St. Augustine.

Interact with the items in the American Civil War Travel Bag: Florida Under Five Flags Book, Union Hat, Confederate Hat, Four model cannons, Union Knowledge Cards, Confederacy Knowledge Cards, African American History Knowledge Cards, Arms and Armaments of the Civil War Card Game, Famous Women of the Civil War Card Game, Bullet Identification Guide, Wooden Powder Keg Puzzle

A green backpack with books, toys, and more on the topic of the National Park Service.

National Park Service Travel Backpack

There are over 400 National Parks in the United States! Discover the parks, explore why they are special, and share with others what you learn.

Explore Kids in Parks and discover resources for Educators.

Interact with the items in the National Park Service Travel Bag to learn more: Meet us at the National Park Book, Park Ranger Doll, Bison Stuffed Animal, National Park Mini Checkers Game, Jr. Rangerland National Park Board Game, Junior Ranger Hat, National Park Playing Cards, Brain Quest Game, Jenga National Park Game

Screenshot of the library website and search tool.

How to Borrow?

Visit the St. Johns County Public Library System website. Locate the search tool and type in "National Park Service travel backpacks."

Screenshot of five titles of backpacks.

From there, select the backpack topic of your choice!

Last updated: March 16, 2023