Field Trips

Tort Liability: Franke v. City of St. Louis

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Social Studies
Common Core Standards:
3.L.1, 4.L.1, 5.L.1, 3.RF.3, 3.RF.3.a, 3.RF.3.b, 3.RF.3.c, 3.RF.4, 3.RF.4.a, 3.RF.4.b, 3.RF.4.c, 4.RF.3, 4.RF.3.a, 4.RF.4, 4.RF.4.a, 4.RF.4.b, 4.RF.4.c, 5.RF.3, 5.RF.3.a, 5.RF.4, 5.RF.4.a, 5.RF.4.b, 5.RF.4.c, 3.SL.1, 3.SL.1.a, 3.SL.1.b, 3.SL.1.c, 3.SL.1.d, 3.SL.3, 3.SL.6, 4.SL.1, 4.SL.1.a, 4.SL.1.b, 4.SL.1.c, 4.SL.3, 4.SL.6, 5.SL.1, 5.SL.1.a, 5.SL.1.b, 5.SL.1.c, 5.SL.3, 5.SL.6
State Standards:
MO Learning Standards for Social Studies (k-5): 1B, 1D, 1E, 1F, 2B, 2C, 2D, 3aB, 3aC, 3aE, 6B, 6C, 6E, 7A. IL Learning Standards: SS.CV.2.3, SS.CV.1.4, SS.CV.2.5, SS.CV.4.3, SS.CV.3.4, SS.IS.3.3.5, SS.H.2.3, SS.H.1.4, SS.H.2.5, SS.H.3.5.

Frederick Franke was injured in St. Louis when part of a building fell on his head as he was walking. Tragically, he died as a result of his injuries. His mother, Julia Franke, sued the owner of the building and the City of St. Louis for damages. The case was heard in 1888 at the St. Louis Courthouse, which is now called the Old Courthouse and is managed by the National Park Service at Gateway Arch National Park. 

In this mock trial, students will learn about the basics of courtroom procedures and be asked to deliberate on the Franke case. Who, if anyone, is responsible for Franke's death? The students will have to make an important decision. 

Please note that the Old Courthose is currently closed for renovations and mock trials are taking place at the Education room inside the Gateway Arch Visitor Center until further notice. Reservations must be made at least 30 days in advance. Maximum group size is 30 students (one adult per 10 students). Please allow 50 minutes for this program and note that all programs begin at half past the hour.

To make reservations, call 314-923-3048.

Last updated: January 5, 2023