Traveling Trunk, Primary Sources, Student Activities, Teacher Reference Materials

The Women of World War I and II: Traveling Education Trunks

Grade Level:
Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Social Studies

The Women of World War I and II investigates the role of women during both World Wars. Women took on the extraordinary task of filling the roles left vacant by men as they went off to war. Thousands of women came and worked at the Armory during both wars with their numbers peaking during World War II.This traveling trunk explores the reasons why women embraced the predominantly male jobs, the work they did, and their lasting legacy in the role of women’s fight for equality. 

In these different lessons, students will learn about why women joined the war effort and began working previously predominantly male jobs, the work that they did, and their lasting impact through a comprehension reading, photo and propaganda poster analysis, song analysis and art. Additional extension activities have been included to use at your discretion. 

The traveling trunk comes with detailed lesson plans, additional resources, and all of the materials necessary for the lessons.

Reach out to us to to schedule a time for the traveling trunk to arrive to your classroom! 

Standards Addressed

For National Standards we are using the C-3 Framework, or the College, Career, & Civic Life Standards (History). These standards are general and have students aiming to achieve objectives by group grade levels. This trunk is bound to address some of your state standards as well, and if you need help identifying the standards that it addresses, please reach out to us.  

By the End of Grade 5 Standards  

  • D2. His.2.3-5: Compare life in a specific historical time to periods of life today.  

  • D2. His.10.3-5: Compare information provided by different historical sources about the past.  

  • D2. His.11.3-5: Infer the intended audience and purpose of a historical source form information within the source itself.  

  • D2.HIS.14.3-5: Explain probable causes and effects of events and developments 

  • D2. His.16.3-5: Use evidence to develop a claim about the past.  

By the End of Grade 8 Standards  

  • D2. His.1.6-8: Analyze connections among events and developments in broader historical contexts. 

  • D2. His.9.6-8: Classify the kinds of historical sources used in a secondary interpretation. 

  • D2. His.15.6-8: Evaluate the relative influence of various causes of events and developments in the past.  

  • D2.His.14.6-8: Explain multiple causes and effects of events and developments in the past.  


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Last updated: October 16, 2024