Distance Learning

The Same, Only Different Virtual Field Trip

Grade Level:
Lower Elementary: Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade
Social Studies
State Standards:
MA History Grade 2:Topic 3
History 4. Identify what individuals and families bring with them when they move. Identify elements that define the culture of a society. Explore how community is enriched by contributions from all the people who form it today.

In this engaging program, students follow the correspondence between two 2nd-grade students from Lowell who become connected (as “digital pen-pals”) through a school project.

As they share insights into their families, hobbies, and cultural traditions, the students realize that even though their lives may appear to be different, they have more in common than they initially thought.

Classroom, home, and hybrid options are available. The classroom version requires a computer and projector/smart-board. Home versions require each student to have their own computer or tablet. This program is designed for 2nd grade.

Call us at 978-970-5080 to reserve your program date and time.
Full information: https://www.uml.edu/Tsongas/Education-Programs/Virtual-Field-Trips.aspx

Last updated: March 4, 2021