Media for Loan

Teacher Resource Bags

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
State Standards:
New Mexico: Science C. Strand 2: Content of Science, Content Strand 2: Life Science

The Teacher Resource Bag is to be used while hiking either the Dune Life Nature Trail (or the Boardwalk if the Dune Life Nature Trail is closed) with students. The Dune Life Nature Trail is a one mile loop trail in the monument that features "Katy the Kit Fox" and all the parts of her life: food, shelter, water, avoiding predators, and what she does to play. This trail is a favorite with kids and adults alike!

The Teacher Resource Bag is a tote bag equipped with several educational goodies:

  • Several outdoor guides (birds, mammals, tracks, and plants)
  • Binoculars
  • Two field notebooks (one for grades K through 2, and another for grades 3 through 6)
  • A laminated graphic organizer with dry-erase marker
  • A lesson plan with New Mexico State Standards
  • Golf pencils
  • Laminated photos of plants and animals
  • Laminated activities to complete

Borrowing Instructions

 No reservation is necessary but they are loaned out on a "first-come-first-served" basis.  Please give us some feedback after you use this resource.  We are always looking for ways to assist teachers in the education arena and ways to make learning fun for the kids.

Last updated: March 7, 2019