Field Trips

Teacher-Led Field Trip (High School)

Grade Level:
High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade
Literacy and Language Arts,Math,Science,Social Studies


Visiting and using these historic spaces as classsrooms is a great way for your students to explore hisotry. Schools, youth organizations, clubs and social groups can all enjoy field trips to both Oakland Plantation, and Magnolia Plantation. 

Planning Your Visit

For ideas and suguestions about curriculum based activities to pair with your visit contact our education office

Your class may also participate in the following activities while visiting the park:
- View the educational videos (Oakland Plantation Pavilion)
- Tour the grounds to view buildings including the enslaved/tenant farmer homes, Overseer's house, and more.
- Tour the Oakland Planter Family Home during opperating hours.
- Read the waysides and exhibits
- Eat at the picnic area
- Listen to the cell-phone audio tour

You can also print the Oakland self-guided map and/or Magnolia self-guided map prior to your visit. 


All Cane River Creole NHP school programs are free of charge. 
Please contact our education office so that we can plan for your arrival.

Learn More

Field Trips are one of the many education offerings at Cane River Creole National Historical Park. To learn more about everything we offer for educators and students, visit our Education page.

Last updated: February 13, 2022