Last updated: July 22, 2019
Lesson Plan

- Grade Level:
- High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade
- Subject:
- Literacy and Language Arts,Social Studies
- Lesson Duration:
- 90 Minutes
- Common Core Standards:
- 9-10.SL.1, 9-10.SL.1.a, 9-10.SL.1.b, 9-10.SL.1.c, 9-10.SL.1.d, 11-12.SL.1, 11-12.SL.1.a, 11-12.SL.1.b, 11-12.SL.1.c, 11-12.SL.1.d
- Additional Standards:
Individuals, Groups, & Institutions - Thinking Skills:
- Understanding: Understand the main idea of material heard, viewed, or read. Interpret or summarize the ideas in own words. Creating: Bring together parts (elements, compounds) of knowledge to form a whole and build relationships for NEW situations.
Essential Question
How can listening to others about their lives expand your own understanding of life?
Students will learn how to prepare for and conduct a semi-structured, in-depth life history interview.
When you take the time to sit down and learn from someone who is of a different age with different experiences, the teaching and the learning experiences go both ways. For this lesson, students will read Ray Lambert’s chapter where he discusses growing up before and after segregation with a young musician named Xavier Michel.
After reading the chapter, students will have the opportunity to conduct an interview of their own and reflect on what they learned from an intergenerational dialogue.
This project will take students several days, though in class time can be limited by the teacher.
- Ray Lambert’s chapter in Talk That Music Talk
- Hand-out on How to Do an Oral History Interview
- Interview schedule students create themselves
- Written Release Form
- Audio recorder (Can be found on most smart phones)
This is a handout for students that specifically explains how to do an oral history interview. It should be carefully reviewed with students.
Download How to do an Oral History Interview
Form to be filled out by student and signed by the person being interviewed.
Lesson Hook/Preview
Tell students that they are going to be direct gatherers of historical information.
Have students read Ray Lambert’s chapter in Talk That Music Talk and ask them to write down questions that an interviewer would have had to have asked for Ray to tell the stories he shared.
Doing your own oral history
After students have written down questions, they are ready to begin thinking about someone who they would like to interview. Students should choose someone who grew up during segregation. The person could have been involved in Civil Rights activism, played music, or just
experienced day-to-day life under the unequal system. They can be of any “racial” background. The point of the interview will be to ask about their experiences growing up during segregation and what their experiences with music were like. Did it help them cross any racial boundaries in their lives? Use of the oral history hand out to walk students through how to set up their interview. Explain that a good interview for this project will last somewhere between a half an hour to an hour.
- Classroom Follow-Up to Interview
- Depending on how much time you have, students can write a reflection about what the interview was like, or you can do a story-circle where they talk about what worked and what didn’t. Students enjoy sharing what they learned.
- WRITE-UP: The amount of time the class will devote to writing up the interview depends on the goals of the teacher and the coursework. Projects range from:
- Short reflection pieces where they can write about what it was like to do the interview, what they learned about, and what it made them think about in their own lives.
- Students can write a life history of the person using a transcript of the interview to pull quotes and details from the interview.
- Students can type out the full transcript of the interview and then edit it into a story or conversation.
- Students should share their write-up with the person they interviewed to make sure they got everything right before turning it in, and to respect the relationship.
- Building Community
- A wonderful way to build community in the classroom is to host an event where students invite the people they interviewed to come and receive a copy of their interview project. Students can talk about what they learned, give the interviewees an opportunity to speak about their experiences, and share a copy of their final write-up with them. The event also gives everyone a chance to meet and get to know each other on a deeper level, which is an important part of bridging divides between school and home communities.
ORAL HISTORY: Method of gathering historical data by conducting oral interviews with direct witnesses and participants in historical eras and events.
Assessment Materials
WRITING UPThe interview itself can act as an assessment. Scoring will depend on the choices made by the teacher in step #4 under PROCEDURES.
The amount of time the class will devote to writing up the interview depends on the goals of the teacher and the coursework. Projects range from:
- Short reflection pieces where they can write about what it was like to do the interview, what they learned about, and what it made them think about in their own lives.
- Students can write a life history of the person using a transcript of the interview to pull quotes and details from the interview.
- Students can type out the full transcript of the interview and then edit it into a story or conversation.
- Students should share their write-up with the person they interviewed to make sure they got everything right before turning it in, and to respect the relationship.
Supports for Struggling Learners
Struggling learners may have a great deal of trouble with this project due to the amount of responsibility placed upon the learner.
Allowing struggling learners to partner with another student.
Ray Lambert’s chapter can be read aloud by the entire class, or in groups.
Teacher could read Lambert’s section into an audio file which is then shared with those students who have reading difficulties.
Those who have difficulty in writing can be allowed to submit everything as an audio file, including questions and subsequent write up.