Field Trips

High School: Succession

Grade Level:
High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade
State Standards:
HS-LS2-6; HS-LS2-7; HS-LS2-8


Succession is an important ecological process. It provides information about particular communities at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. The dunes provide a wealth of information regarding succession, the health of the dunes and the apex forest.

Essential Question

Why is succession important and what information does it provide about Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore?


  1. Students who participate in this project will gain an understanding of succession and its role in the ecology of Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore.
  2. Students will explain the different types of succession, how they occur and their importance to the landscape of the park.
  3. Students will explain how changes in the plant ecosystems of the park can alter the ecological succession of the area.
  4. Students will provide a list of plant and animal species found at each stage of succession (National Park Service, 2020).
  5. Define the following vocabulary: succession, glacier, dune swale, adaptation and disturbance.

Field trips to Sleeping Bear Dunes are free! However, you must schedule your field trip at least two weeks in advance. Our calendar fills up fast, so please plan ahead. Review our field trip planning page for more logistical information.

Last updated: September 7, 2024