Field Trips

Stones River National Battlefield History Hike

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Social Studies
State Standards:
TN Social Studies - SSP.01, SSP.06, 4.25, 4.27, 4.30, 4.32, 4.34, 4.35, 4.37, 4.39

Contact our Education Coordinator for more information and to book your field trip experience. 

Supervision: Ranger Supervised

Duration: 60 minutes

Activity: Students, teachers and chaperones will travel by bus to Tour Stop #2. The bus will continue to Tour Stop #3, where the participants will meet it after completing the 1/2 mile hike from Tour Stop #2.

Students will learn about the pivotal events that happened at the Slaughter Pen. The group will explore the unique limestone outcrops in the Slaughter Pen as they have a gruesome scene of struggle and sacrifice painted for them by a ranger using primary source references.

After exploring the Slaughter Pen, the group will hike about 1/2 mile along historic McFadden Lane. Along the way, the ranger may take the opportunity to discuss the African American community that emerged on the battlefield following the Civil War.

Once the participants arrive at Tour Stop #1 near the Old Nashville Highway (historic Nashville Pike), the ranger will explain the critical role the road and the railroad played in the Battle of Stones River and the American Civil War. After a brief description of the final struggles of the battle, including details regarding the cotton field, and the role artillery played at the battle, the participants will board bus and travel back to the visitor center. 

Last updated: March 12, 2022