Last updated: May 1, 2020
Lesson Plan
STEM Musket Ball Challenge

- Grade Level:
- Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
- Subject:
- Science,Social Studies
- Lesson Duration:
- 60 Minutes
- State Standards:
- NC Standards 3.TT.1; 4.TT.1; 5.TT.1; 3.P.2; 4.P.2; 5.P.2; NC.4.MD.1
Essential Question
How were musket balls made during the Revolutionary War, and how can students create musket balls that are consistent in size?
You are tasked to create an invention that will make musket balls. Your musket balls need to be consistent in size.
Teacher Notes:
Do lesson plan on Revolutionary War Weapons first.(
Do lesson plan on cartridge candy 2nd
Show students video of how musket balls were made.
Musket balls range from .39 to .80 inches (I had students use a ruler to measure, but you can create a musket ball for each table so students can compare their musket ball)
(The point of the activity is for students to create an invention that is used to consistently make musket balls.)
See materials
Lesson Hook/Preview
You are tasked to create an invention that will make musket balls. Your musket balls need to be consistent in size.
In the Revolutionary War musket balls were created by using a mold. Unfortunately, your mold has broken, and the British are on their way. To save your troops, you need to create an invention that will consistently make musket balls the same size. Otherwise they might not fit in your musket.
- What were the weaknesses in your invention?
2. What were the strengths of your invention?
3. What difficulties did you have creating your invention?
Assessment Materials
Students can be assessed by the accuracy of their invention