Distance Learning

Soft Gold: The History of Russians in Alaska/ Middle and High School

Grade Level:
Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Social Studies
State Standards:
(G. B1, B7)(G. A1)(H. C2,C3)(LS4.C, LS4.D, LS3.A, LS3.B)(H. C2-3)(A. D1,D2)(CS. B1)(H. B1ab)(CS. B1)(G. D1-5)(G. F1-3)(H. A7, B1d, B2)(H. B2)

The goal of this educational program is to provide students of various backgrounds, ethnicities, faiths, and statuses with a factual, curriculum-based educational program surrounding the history of early Russian exploration and settlement in Alaska. Program participants will connect this history to the history of settlement across North America, and will learn about its effects on Alaskan native peoples and the environment. Students will learn about important historical concepts like the fur trade, the trade of luxury goods, and colonialism.


How and why Russians came to and settled in Alaska is not only important for understanding Alaskan history, but also contains themes necessary for students to understand important historical ideas/concepts like trade, colonialism, and the rights of indigenous peoples.

Download Soft Gold: The History of Russians in Alaska- Modified PowerPoint Presentation, with a focus on the historical and economic aspects of the fur trade.

A script to accompany the slide show.

Download Soft Gold: The History of Russians in Alaska- Script

Program outline and education resource for educators.

Download Soft Gold: The History of Russians in Alaska- Program outline

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Last updated: March 17, 2022