Media for Loan

Slavery on Trial

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Social Studies
State Standards:
Missouri Learning Standards for Social Studies (k-5): 1F, 3aA, 3aC, 3aE Illinois Learning Standards: SS.CV.3.4, SS.IS.2.3.5. SS.H.2.3

Slavery on Trial is a 20-minute documentary on the national significance of the Dred Scott case. Dred and Harriet Scott were an enslaved couple that were illegally taken to states and territories where slavery was outlawed. They sued for their freedom at the St. Louis Courthouse in 1846, and the case eventually made its way to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1857. This documentary examines the case and helps students better understand debates about slavery before the America Civil War. Teachers wanting to participate in the Dred Scott mock trial may want their students to watch this video ahead of time. 

This DVD is available to be loaned to schools from the Education Department at no charge. To learn more and request this DVD, please call 314-655-1635. 

Last updated: October 8, 2021