Distance Learning

6th Grade | Virtual Shenandoah Watersheds

Grade Level:
Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
State Standards:
Virginia science standards - 6.1, 6.6, 6.8

Fresh water is a precious, non-renewable resource that is essential for life. People depend on it for drinking, transportation, livelihoods, and recreation. Water also provides habitat for many plants and animals. The manner in which this resource is protected has a direct impact upon the natural and human communities. Shenandoah National Park lies at the headwaters for three of Virginia’s watersheds. Through virtual exploration and observation of a mountain stream, students will connect local water sources with larger watersheds and better understand the dynamics of stream life and the extensive impacts of water management and usage. This field trip is recommended for 6th grade.


Following the park and classroom activities, the students will be able to

  1. define the following terms: watershed, headwaters, macroinvertebrate, abiotic, point and non-point source pollution;
  2. describe the composition of a watershed and identify the Virginia regional watershed in which they live;
  3. determine the water quality of the streams in Shenandoah National Park based on scientific investigation and the study of macroinvertebrate communities;
  4. predict the impacts on the health of a watershed ecosystem from natural events and human activities; 
  5. assess Shenandoah National Park’s role in protecting water resources and evaluate the effect of human behaviors on watersheds.


State science standards: 6.1, 6.6, 6.8


Last updated: December 4, 2020