Distance Learning
- Grade Level:
- Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
- Subject:
- Science
- State Standards:
- Virginia science standards - 6.1, 6.9, LS.1, LS.6, LS.7, LS.8, LS.9, LS.11, ES.1, ES.11, ES. 12
Climate change is defined as any significant change in the climate lasting for decades or longer. Climate patterns can vary naturally, but today's climate changes are being accelerated by human acitivity. Although scientists cannot predict with certainty what the long-term impacts from climate change will be, there is ample evidence that climate change effects are already being felt. In this lesson, students will research climate change and the potential impact on two salamander species found in Shenandoah National Park, the endangered Shenandoah salamander and the more common red-backed salamander. Students will conduct field research on the red-backed salamander to compare the two species' habitat requirements and determine if climate change and competition for habitat are impacting the survival of the Shenandoah and red-backed salamanders. This field trip is recommended for sixth through eighth grade.
Following the park experience and classroom activities, the students will be able to:
- define climate change and list examples of natural and human-influenced contributors to climate change;
- assess/predict the potential impact of climate change and species competition on the survival of the Shenandoah and red-backed salamanders;
- determine ways people can reduce contributions to climate change;
State science standards: 6.1, 6.9, LS.1, LS.6, LS.7, LS.8, LS.9, LS.11, ES.1, ES.11, ES. 12
Download MS: Virtual Shenandoah Salamander: Climate Change Casualty or Survivor?
Last updated: April 17, 2023