Last updated: November 21, 2024
Lesson Plan
Shays’ Rebellion: A Nation on Trial

Daniel Shays and Job Shattuck
Smithsonian Institution
- Grade Level:
- Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
- Subject:
- Social Studies
- Lesson Duration:
- 60 Minutes
- State Standards:
- Massachusetts History Standards: HSS.5.T2.08, HSS.5.T2.09, HSS.8.T2.02, HSS.8.T4.12, HSS.USI.T1.07
- Additional Standards:
- National History Standard: Era 3 New Nation Standard 3
- Thinking Skills:
- Understanding: Understand the main idea of material heard, viewed, or read. Interpret or summarize the ideas in own words. Analyzing: Break down a concept or idea into parts and show the relationships among the parts.
Essential Question
Students will determine who was at fault for the conflict and explore the deeper implications of assigning blame and the continuing role of protest in society today.
• Recall the main figures that took part in Shays’ Rebellion
• Summarize the main events that led to Shays’ Rebellion
• Interpret the meaning of a historic image.
• Role-play as historical figures involved with Shays’ Rebellion.
• Judge the motives and actions of the parties that took part in Shays’ Rebellion.
• Analyze the factors involved with the calling of the Constitutional Convention.
Shays’ Rebellion was a pivotal moment in our nation’s early history. This three-touch model field trip will allow students to investigate the events that led to Shays’ Rebellion and the resulting need for a new governing document. Students will role play as historical figures and determine who was at fault for the conflict. A post-visit activity allows students to explore the deeper implications of assigning blame and the continuing role of protest in society today.
This program can be implemented through an on-site field trip at Springfield Armory National Historic Site or it can be presented by a ranger in the classroom.If you would like to use this lesson plan in your classroom, without a ranger, please contact us for the full lesson plan and additional materials.
All of the materials are prepared for this lesson and can be found below. Please reach out to Springfield Armory NHS to schedule a time for a visit to our site or for a virtual visit to your classroom.
Download Pre-Visit Student Handout
Download Shays' Rebellion Teacher Guide
As a three-touch lesson, the first part of this lesson will be conducted in the classroom by the teacher. Teachers will use the Pre-Visit Student Handout, where students will engage in learning about assumptions and Shay's Rebellion.
The second phase will be a field trip to Springfield Armory NHS for a ranger-lead activity. This activity can also be a virtual visit to the classroom or, as noted above, done independlty by the teacher by requesting the additional plans from the park.
The final part will have the students engaging in a discussion examining the consequences of Shays' Rebellion and the impact it had on our young nation and the applicability of it to society today.
- Merchant – A buyer, seller, or trader of commodities for profit.
- Credit – Financial or commercial trustworthiness.
- Debt – Something owed or a state of owing.
- Tax – A charge, usually of money, imposed by authority on persons or property for public purposes.
- Militia – A body of citizens organized for military services.
- Pardon – A release from the legal penalties of an offense.
- Delegate – A representative to a convention or conference.