Field Trips

Self-Guided Gallery Tours

Grade Level:
Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Literacy and Language Arts,Social Studies
State Standards:
SUBJECT:African American History and Culture, Civic Engagement, Civil Rights Movement, Education, Government, History, Law, Slavery, Social StudiesNATIONAL/STATE STANDARDS:Kansas History SS Standard 3

NOTE: The Hall of Courage exhibit is recommended for ages 12 and up due to disturbing images.

Begin your tour in the auditorium with the film " Race and the American Creed," which traces the history of racism and segregation. The film is a dialogue between a young girl who is conversing with a long-time friend of her grandfather to learn about racism and segregation. In the Education and Justice gallery, the exhibits examine the barriers African Americans faced while trying to receive a formal education from the early 19th century to the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decision which desegregated public schools. Learn why leaders in the black community fought so hard and took risks to integrate schools. Photos, exhibits and interpretive media are combined to offer a summary of these hardships due to racial injustice. Explore interactive exhibits relating to the Civil Rights Movement that followed in the wake of the decision in the Legacy of Brown v. Board of Education gallery. The Civil Rghts Movement rallied thousands of citizens dedicated to eradicating prejudice and racial discrimination from all forms of public life. This room also features exhibits on the international impacts of the Brown decision and continued work to be done to ensure racial equality in all walks of life for all people. An actual replica of a kindergarten classroom in the 1950's is planned to be open to the public in November, 2013.


Education Department
email us
785-354-4273 x500

brown v. board of education, Segregation, integration, desegregation, racism, discrimination, 14th amendment, NAACP, plaintiffs

Last updated: October 24, 2018