Field Trips

Searching for the Past: A Scavenger Hunt at Kingsley Plantation

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Social Studies
State Standards:

Through developing background knowledge and researching information about Kingsley Plantation, students will become familiar with the historical aspect of the plantation with respect to the layout and rich history that is right here near our home.


1. Students will be grouped and create a concept map (one subject per group) to be used to complete a Cloze activity.

2. Students will take clipboards, pencils, and scavenger hunt sheets with them and complete at the plantation.

3. Students will make their own tri-fold brochure for Kingsley Plantation.


Pre-Visit Activity

1. Teacher reads: If You Lived When There was Slavery in America by Anne Kamma.
2. Teacher hooks the students by explaining that there is an actual plantation within a day's trip from our school.
3. Teacher builds background knowledge by introducing information about Kingsley Plantation through brochures and website.
4. Have student fill out a KWL Chart.

1. Students will be grouped and create a concept map (one subject per group.)
2. Teacher will give each group one of the brochures for Kingsley Plantation.
a. Freedom and Slavery in Plantation-Era Florida
b. Grounds Tour
c. Grounds Tour for Kids
d. Preservation Work at Kingsley Plantation
3. Groups will present charts to the class

Students will complete a Cloze activity using the information obtained from presentations.

Teacher will call 904.251.3537 to schedule a field trip at Kingsley Plantation.

Students will take clipboards, pencils, and scavenger hunt sheets and complete them during a visit to Kingsley Plantation.


Performance Task:
Students will make their own tri-fold brochure for Kingsley Plantation.

Purpose: to inform and educate, to encourage people to visit, to become familiar with Kingsley Plantation and be able to conduct a tour for their own families.

Students will:
1. fold a piece of letter size (8 ½ x 11) paper into thirds vertically
2. choose which information he/she will include in his/her tri-fold brochure
3. follow this guide (there are six columns/panels to fill)
1. Cover panel: Destination and illustration (the cover flap is the first flap that unfolds to the left.)
2. information
3. information
4. information
5. information
6. Back Panel: Name of author of brochure and biographical information.

Additional Resources

Brochures needed for this lesson are available on site. 


task, plantation, tabby, slave, cash crop


Scavenger Hunt

Download Scavenger Hunt

Pre and Post Visit Cloze Activities

Download Pre and Post Visit Cloze Activities

Last updated: June 8, 2021