Field Schools & Institutes

Schoodic Education and Research Center (SERC)

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Literacy and Language Arts,Math,Science,Social Studies

SERC’s education mission is to make natural and cultural resource research and data more accessible to students of all ages through placed based and STEM activities. SERC is the Research Learning Center representing studies throughout 14 national park sites in the Northeast and along the Appalachian Trail. Teacher workshops, field trips, and residential education programs are available for grade levels Pre-K through college as well as in-service teacher training in science, math, and art.


  • Call207-288-1312
  • Visit onlineSchoodic Education and Research Center (SERC)
  • Audience: Single grade level class,Mixed/multiple grade class,Homeschool group,College/University class,Club or interest group (children),Club or interest group (teen),Club or interest group (adult)
  • Length: Three hours to four weeks.
  • Subjects: Archaeology, Art, Biology: Animals, Botany, Earth Science, Ecology, Geology, History, Marine Biology, Science and Technology, Social Studies
  • Standards: STEM, place based, Common Core, Next Generation Science Standards
  • Keywords: art, science, history, botany, biology, ecology, Residential Education, social studies, geology, birds, phenology, citizen science, STEM, place based, Common Core, Next Generation Science Standards

Last updated: November 14, 2023