Lesson Plan

Saving History:  The White House, Dolley Madison and the War of 1812

Dolley Madison directs the saving of the portrait of George Washington as the British troops near Washington DC in August of 1814. NPS/Gerry Embleton
Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Literacy and Language Arts,Social Studies
Lesson Duration:
60 Minutes
Additional Standards:
For a list of National Standards please see complete lesson plan.

Essential Question

How did Dolley Madison help to save history during the War of 1812?


Please see a list of learning objectives in the Background Information section.


After reading letters written by First Lady Dolley Madison and completing the activities, students will be able to:
1. Describe the activity and action at the White House on August 23 and 24, 1814.
2. Characterize the tone that Mrs. Madison used in describing the events. 
3. Describe the importance of saving the George Washington portrait as a national icon. 
4. Reflect on the value of records left by public figures who participate in major events.
5. Discuss the importance of letters as historical documents and discuss ways that they be altered over time. 
6. Discuss the destruction of the White House as a symbolic gesture by the British. 
7. List the pros and cons of the contemplated removal of the seat of government from Washington following the destruction of the Capitol, White House, and Treasury building. 
8. Describe the role of first lady and characterize the evolution of that "job." 


For further information on Dolley Madision in the White House and much more visit the White House Historical Association.


Please see Lesson Plan pdf for activities and a complete procedure list.



Lesson Plan

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Activity 1:  Dolley to the Rescue

Activity 2:  Putting Historical Documents to Work: The Long Life of Dolley Madison's Letter


war of 1812, Star Fort, Star-Spangled Banner, Star-Spangled Banner Flag, first lady, Chesapeake Campaign, Chesapeake Bay, James Madision, Dolley Madison, Burning of the White House, George Washington portrait, Primary Source

Enrichment Activities

Should the Federal Government Stay in Washington?
Student can participate in a debate about the location of the Federal Government historically and today.
In addition to the White House, the fire in Washington severely damaged many buildings including the Capitol, the Treasury and the War Department. Almost immediately after the fire, calls went out for the government to move to another location, ostensibly, until the city could be rebuilt. Both the cities of Philadelphia and New York made attractive offers. What should President Madison decide?

Additional Resources

White House Historical Association. White House History, Journal Article I: "Reminiscence of Madison," by Paul Jennings. (This article is a complete reprint of the 1865 memoir of Jennings, a slave who worked in the White House during Madison's presidency.)
White House History, Journal Article IV: "The Burning of Washington," Anthony Pitch.
Transcript of: A British Account of the Burning of Washington by George Robert Gleig 
War of 1812 Virtual Resource Center for Teachers
First Ladies Library 
Virginia Center for Digital History, The Dolley Madison Project 

Contact Information

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Last updated: March 7, 2019