Field Trips

Ranger-Led Field Trips (Middle School)

Grade Level:
Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Literacy and Language Arts,Math,Social Studies
State Standards:
These programs were designed to meet Louisiana Learning Standards.


Ranger-led field trips are offered throughout the school year in the park. These trips cover a variety of topics that can include many different subjects. The programs include a guided grounds tour, and hands-on activities. 

Individual field trip programs are limited to 35 students; if you have a larger group, register for additional field trip. (we can conduct multiple field trip programs on most days). Please plan on having roughly a a 1:7 ratio of students to chaperones.

Scheduling and Registration

All Cane River Creole NHP school programs are free and requests are taken in the order in which they are received. You may make your request at any time. Our programs are offered throughout the year.
To book your program contact our education office.

Learn More

Field Trips are one of the many education offerings at Cane River Creole National Historical Park. To learn more about everything we offer for educators and students, visit our Education page.

Last updated: February 13, 2022