Last updated: March 8, 2019
Lesson Plan
Predator Prey Adaption

- Grade Level:
- Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
- Subject:
- Math,Science
- Lesson Duration:
- 30 Minutes
- State Standards:
- Students will be able to define predator and prey.
Students will describe the importance of adaption.
Essential Question
What is the relationship between predator and prey and the importance of adaption?
Students will be able to define predator and prey.
Students will describe the importance of adaption.
Animals display a variety of behaviors in predator/prey relationships. These adaptions help them survive. Some animals run to get away from a predator. Animals may also signal to others that danger is near. If a predator is too close to the animal and it cannot run away or hide, the prey may freeze. Sometimes being very still can help the animal go unnoticed by the predator. Also, the color of the prey's body can help it camouflage itself.
Hunting was the primary means of obtaining meat for the earliest settlers. Indiana in the early 19th century was rich in natural resources and game was abundant. Deer and bear were plentiful and pigeons were reported in flocks so large that they darkened the sky when they flew over. As the state became more heavily settled, hunting became more of a challenge and the pioneer came to rely more upon agriculture to feed his family.
red bandana, hula hoops, food tokens (cut up small pieces of heavy paper or cardboard)
Select predators and have them wear a red bandana to identify themselves as predators (1 predator for every 4-6 prey). Using a gym or playing field, identify one end as the food source and the other end as shelter. In between these areas scatter the hula hoops around on the ground. These will represent temporary shelters. Scatter the food tokens (pieces of cardboard) on the ground in the food source area.
The object of the game is for the prey to collect three food tokens to survive. They must do this, however, without being caught by a predator. The predator must catch two prey in order to survive. To begin all the prey should be in the permanent shelter. The predators should be scattered about between the permanent shelter and the food tokens. When the teacher says go, the prey move toward the food source. The prey can avoid being captured by a predator by having at least one foot in one of the temporary shelters. A predator cannot tag a prey that is in any shelter. The prey can also avoid capture by freezing when a predator is within 5 feet of the prey. A predator cannot tag a prey that is frozen. The prey picks up one food token and returns to the permanent shelter. The process is repeated until the prey has three tokens. If a prey is tagged, then the prey must stand on the sidelines.
Play several rounds and allow each student to be both predator and prey. After the game discuss which ways of escape worked best. Which were the easiest. What did predators do when the prey froze.
Camouflage, predator, prey
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